Greenpeace Canada
An independent campaigning organization that uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force solutions.
ID: 15193285
http://greenpeace.ca 21-06-2008 23:00:27
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2,2K Following

The Wall Street Journal
Sign up for our newsletters and alerts: wsj.com/newsletters | Got a tip? wsj.com/tips | For WSJ customer support: customercenter.wsj.com
Greenpeace USA
Fighting for a greener, healthier world, no matter what forces stand in our way.
David Suzuki FDN
We work to protect nature’s diversity and the well-being of all life, now and for the future 🌱#OneNature
Delivering large-scale solutions to climate and environmental problems worldwide. Fast Company 2023 Most Innovative Nonprofit.
Mike Morrice
Member of Parliament for Kitchener Centre, @CanadianGreens. Founder @SustainableWat and @GreenEconomyCa. He/him. Email: [email protected]
brad plumer
Reporter at @nytclimate. Email me at [email protected]
Elizabeth May
@CanadianGreens MP-Saanich-Gulf Islands, Activist, Author & Mother. GPC Leader with Jonathan Pedneault. En français: @MayElizabeth (she/her)
Liberal Party
Liberal Party of Canada | Moving Canada forward, with @JustinTrudeau 🇨🇦 | En français à : @parti_liberal | #ForwardForEveryone
Tzeporah Berman
International Program Director Stand.Earth, Chair of Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty fossilfueltreaty.org.
Colin D'Mello | Global News
Queen’s Park Bureau Chief, Global News Toronto | President, QP Press Gallery | [email protected] | Threads: threads.net/@colindmello
Greenpeace Africa
We are part of a growing movement of Africans building a better world.
Richard Southern
Award-winning Journalist. Queen’s Park reporter for 680 NewsRadio. Tips confidential at [email protected] and in open DM's.
Canada's largest environmental law charity. ⚖️ #ecojustice 🌿🌊
Afif Saputra
Warriors of the Rainbow, a Sagittarian Archer who always curious about the world and about you..
Science Magazine
The world's leading outlet for cutting-edge research in all areas of science. Follow @NewsfromScience for stories from our news team.
Sylvia A. Earle
Oceanographer, National Geographic Explorer-In-Residence, Founder of @MissionBlue and 2009 TED Prize Winner. Saving and restoring the blue heart of the planet.
Leilani Farha 🍉
@make_theshift; former UN Special Rapporteur Right to Housing; cohost Pushback Talks @PUSH_TheFilm IG:@leilanifar
Yves-F. Blanchet 🎗⚜️
COMPTE PERSONNEL Souverainiste, écologiste, anthropologue, EX prés. ADISQ, Jour de la Terre, ex-ministre, père, grand-père... Pour officiel @blocquebecois
We bring people together to transform our democracy, uphold Indigenous rights and defend the climate, land and water that sustain life in B.C. Help us build! ⬇️
Dr. Faisal Moola
Assoc. Prof. U of Guelph. Former Director General at David Suzuki Foundation. Scientist working in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples. Tweets are my own.
Wilderness Committee
People powered wilderness preservation. See also @wildernewsMB @wildernewsON
Sarah Beuhler
Climate Finance Campaigner @StandEarth, formerly of @CoastProtectors & @StopMoneyPipe. If we can stop the flow of money, we can stop the flow of fossil fuels.
Mark Holland
MP for Ajax, Canada's Minister of Health | Député pour Ajax, Ministre de la santé du Canada
Environmental Defence works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.
ashley fairbanks
asiniiwiikwe indizhinikaaz. ajijaak nindoodem. minnesotan in texile. art/design/digital for people & the planet.
Rebecca Leber
sr investigative researcher @climatecosts & sometimes freelancer. ex @voxdotcom, @motherjones, @grist, @newrepublic Rebecca at climateintegrity dot org
Bloc Québécois
Le Bloc Québécois ⚜️ est un parti politique indépendantiste, implanté exclusivement au Québec. #BlocQC #paysQC
Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Independent reporting on #environment and #sustdev negotiations. Subscribe for reports bit.ly/ENBupdate
Fondation Rivières
Ensemble pour la protection des rivières et des cours d'eau du Québec Organisateur principal de @LeGrandSplash 💦
Forests Ontario
Forests Ontario is the leading non-profit organization for the delivery of high-quality, large-scale tree planting programs across Canada.
Peace Brigades International - Canada
PBI accompanies land, water and human rights defenders. Tweets by PBI-Canada coordinator Brent Patterson.
Official news & updates on @theJagmeetSingh & Canada's New Democratic Party | #FightingForYou | Suivez-nous en français à @NPD_QG
Center for International Environmental Law
CIEL defends the right to a healthy planet. #HealthyEnvironmentForAll Our newsletters ✒️ act.ciel.org/signup
Youth 4 Climate Justice (Y4CJ) is a group of young people who are fighting dirty energy development in their communities.
Alain Gravel
Animateur de l’émission « Les faits d’abord », émission d’actualité à la radio sur @icircpremiere. Aussi auteur d’une série documentaire sur @RadioCanadaInfo.
Caroline Brouillette
Building coalition as @CANRacCanada Executive Director / advisor @ClimateInstit / Asking questions while walking / je tweete en mon nom
Fatima Syed / @fatimabsyed.bsky.social
'A climate reporter, a reporter of MANY things' @thenarwhalca |VP @caj |Tweets=mine |Obsessions: space, sports, Springsteen, stuff |'too young'
Tamara Khandaker
producing the take @ajepodcasts | reach me at [email protected]
Steven Guilbeault
Député libéral Laurier-Sainte-Marie | Ministre de l’Environnement et du Changement climatique / Minister of Environment and Climate Change | Fier Papa | Il/lui
Nature Québec
Sensibiliser, mobiliser, agir! Depuis 1981, nous menons des projets pour biodiversité, le climat, la forêt et l’environnement urbain au Québec.
Timothy Gray
Executive Director at Environmental Defence. Views posted are my own.
Seth Klein
Public policy writer/speaker. Team Lead @Climate_Unit. Columnist w/ Canada's @NatObserver. Former research institute director. Author of A Good War
Natalia Goodwin CBC
Reporter for @CBCOttawa #ottawa Opinions are my own. Story idea? - [email protected] or DM-they are open. She/Her
Environnement Québec
Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. Ce compte est animé par l'équipe des communications.
Le Centre québécois du droit de l'environnement regroupe des juristes engagé·es, qui ont à coeur la protection de nos milieux de vie.
Simon Evans
Press Gazette energy & environment journalist of the year 2022 Deputy Editor + Senior Policy Editor @CarbonBrief DMs open [email protected]
Torrance Coste
Working for environmental justice with @wildernews. Settler on Coast Salish land. Dad. he/him 🍉 IG: @torrance_coste Bluesky: @torrancecoste.bsky.social
Dustin Cook
Producer @ctvtoronto. Previously @cp24, @globeandmail, @edmontonjournal. Probably watching sports or singing showtunes. 🏳️🌈
Jannes Stoppel
Policy Advisor @Greenpeace for Climate and Biodiversity Politics. Wants planet Earth to be a good place for future generations. Opinions are my own.
The Narwhal
We tell stories about the natural world in Canada you can’t find anywhere else. Sign up: thenarwhal.ca/newsletter Become a member: thenarwhal.ca/member-twitter
Next System Project
Systemic problems require systemic solutions | a project of @DemocracyCollab | co-chaired by @GarAlperovitz and James Gustave Speth
Pablo Rodriguez
Député Honoré-Mercier, ministre des Transports 🇨🇦 et lieutenant du Québec | M.P. for Honoré-Mercier, Minister of Transport 🇨🇦 and Quebec Lieutenant
Emma McIntosh
Ontario environment reporter @thenarwhalca. Hosted Paydirt, a @thebigstoryfpn podcast about the Greenbelt scandal. Fan of foi + lake swims. Signal: emmamci.76
Jordan Omstead
Reporter with @CdnPressNews | [email protected]
Diane Lebouthillier
Députée de | M.P. for GÎM | Ministre des Pêches, des Océans et de la Garde côtière canadienne | Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
350 Canada
Building a people-powered movement for real climate action. We're fighting to win a #JustTransition that creates good jobs & leaves no one behind.
Caroline Hickman
University of Bath Climate Psychology Alliance Climate Catastrophe or Transformation Eco Anxiety Social Collapse Climate Change/Crisis
Dr Charlie Gardner
Conservationist, activist, writer, researcher. Rebelling against extinction
Grand(m)others Act to Save the Planet. GASP is a grassroots, inter-generational Climate + Social Justice group of Grandmothers + Grand ‘Others’
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative
An initiative calling for a global mechanism to phase-out fossil fuels fast and fairly. Endorse the call for negotiating a #FossilFuelTreaty today.
previously dino_comics | merch ⬇️
We’re 6 Portuguese children & young adults taking 32 governments to court 🇵🇹 Follow us for #Youth4ClimateJustice case updates ✊ Supported by @GLAN_LAW ⚖️
Investors for Paris Compliance
We bring together investors to promote accountability with publicly traded Canadian companies and their net zero plans.
Rebecca Solnit/joy is a strategy
“The very act of trying to look ahead to discern possibilities and offer warnings is in itself an act of hope." --Octavia Butler
Federal Oil & Gas Lobbying Bot 🇨🇦
Automatically tweets when Big Oil lobbies the Canadian federal government, usually to get more subsidies and block #ClimateAction by @EnviroDefence #cdnpoli
Emily Kewageshig
Anishinaabe Artist. Visual Storyteller. Saugeen First Nation n'doonjibaa. IG @emilykewageshig
The Nature Photography Contest
The Nature Photography Contest is an international photo awards for professional and amateur #photographers. thenaturephotocontest.com
Robert R. Raymond
writer, audio engineer, co-host & co-producer @upstreampodcast
Center for Climate Integrity
CCI helps communities hold oil & gas corporations accountable for the massive costs of climate change. #MakePollutersPay Sign up for news ⬇️
Alexis Nikole Nelson
if I’m tweeting, gingerly tell me to go finish my book. probably eating weeds somewhere 🌱🤘🏾she/her [email protected]