Glasnost Gone (@glasnostgone) 's Twitter Profile
Glasnost Gone


I don't like little Putin. YouTube:… Donations:…

ID: 2758100418

calendar_today23-08-2014 08:08:17

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Glasnost Gone (@glasnostgone) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mike Pompeo Earth calling Pompeo. Russia invaded #Ukraine in 2014 - seizing #Crimea & parts of eastern Ukraine. During Trump's 4 year term as president, Russian troops killed Ukrainian men, women & children every single week & wantonly shelled Ukrainian cities, towns and villages. And

<a href="/mikepompeo/">Mike Pompeo</a> Earth calling Pompeo. Russia invaded #Ukraine in 2014 - seizing #Crimea &amp; parts of eastern Ukraine. During Trump's 4 year term as president, Russian troops killed Ukrainian men, women &amp; children every single week &amp; wantonly shelled Ukrainian cities, towns and villages. 
