Suzanne Gill Vitaletti (@gillvitaletti) 's Twitter Profile
Suzanne Gill Vitaletti


Proud Assistant Principal of Harborside Middle School

ID: 1242756816636960769

calendar_today25-03-2020 10:15:06

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Suzanne Gill Vitaletti (@gillvitaletti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Way to go, Harborside! 686 boxes of cereal were donated for our Purple Pantry cereal box domino event! We can’t wait for next Thursday! Design phase to begin! HarborsideMiddleSchool Harborside PTO #PurplePantry

Way to go, Harborside!  686 boxes of cereal were donated for our Purple Pantry cereal box domino event! We can’t wait for next Thursday!  Design phase to begin! <a href="/HarborsideMS/">HarborsideMiddleSchool</a> <a href="/HarborsidePTO/">Harborside PTO</a> #PurplePantry