George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile
George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy


Develop your MindSkills to win in your personal & business life: Critical Thinking—Problem-Solving—Decision-Making—Emotional Intelligence |
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ID: 17223094

link calendar_today07-11-2008 00:34:21

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22,22K Following

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

MindSkills Reminder: A product is a solution to a problem. The most successful products are solutions to latent problems that you can make people feel intensely. Filling a felt need: Good Filling a REAL unrealized need: Spectacular

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Shortcuts to success: Follow your curiosity Develop your passion Welcome mistakes Find the fun in it Focus on adding value Laugh at the “impossible” Chase wealth (value) not money General goals, specific strategy Learn how to learn it is what it is. How can I change it? Start

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

MindSkills Coaching Guidelines: Always have a learning project going Skills transfer, knowledge not so much: process over content One small, fun step at a time compounds skills Think in 1st principles and secondary consequences 👇👇👇

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

MindSkill: Life-long Learning Several times a day, pause and ask: What's the lesson here? What is reality trying to teach me? If there were a god, what would s/he be telling me? If I were coaching me as a third party, what would I be advising? LISTEN to the lessons.

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Every day, just once a day: Do something just a little bit beyond your comfort zone. That scares you a little. That makes you feel stupid or incompetent That makes you look foolish That you know isn't going to work. Notice that you didn't die, but felt more alive.

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

MindSkill: Navigating The Cutting Edge Spend a little more time on your Cutting Edge: You won't find a lot of serenity there, nor harmony, peace and quiet, zen calmness. But you can surely find plenty of excitement. exhilaration, enthusiasm, optimism, and aliveness.

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I just want to assure everyone that no animals have ever been hurt in the production of my Tweets. Health guidelines have been observed. They have been screened for trigger words, & are apolitical & gender neutral.. I apologize in advance if any wokelines have been violated.

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I recently said that I was going for 10-100 times the number of followers I have now (2000+). Someone asked for an explanation and example: Going for an order of magnitude increase causes more breakthrough thinking than gradual improvement (incremental compounding) thinking. 👇

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't defer to other people's judgment just because you are not sure of your own. They are usually no more sure than you are, just putting up a better front and making a better bluff. Never give anyone the benefit of your own self-doubt. —Ayn Rand

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I just want to assure everyone that no animals have ever been hurt in the production of my Tweets. Health precautions have been followed. They have been screened for trigger words and are apolitical. I apologize in advance if any guidelines have been violated.

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I just want to assure everyone that no animals have ever been hurt in the production of my Tweets. Health precautions have been followed. They have been screened for trigger words and are apolitical. I apologize in advance if any guidelines have been violated.

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you run Spaces, you owe it to yourself to consider Interactive Mode. Here is an article that will help you decide if you are interested in learning more about it. A follow-up article will go into exactly how to do it.…

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How to embrace uncertainty and turn it into wonder: 1.What am I not sure of? 2.Why is that a problem? 3.If it is a problem, what could I do about it? 4.I wonder why, how, if, why not, #Framework

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No matter how important what you are working on is, if it's not on your purpose, if it's not an expression of your passion, it's procrastinating. Procrastination isn't just putting off tasks you don't want to de. Sometimes it takes the form of doing other things that look good.

George Silverman | The MindSkills Guy (@georgesilverman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NOTICE: I would like to find other Elders on Twitter who are here to share the wisdom they have acquired through a lifetime. It would be an interesting Community and some amazing Spaces. Please help me find them. Please RT & reply below.

Samantha Postman (@samanthapostman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The New Renaissance Person: - Crafts with passion - Pursues diverse passions - Earns from their creations - Harnesses the power of tech - Learns independently each day - Builds a stack of essential skills Diverse passions isn't a weakness—it's your ultimate superpower.