Gabby Jones (@gabbyajones23) 's Twitter Profile
Gabby Jones


Specialty Sales Executive Lead for Target 🎯 All Tweets are my own.

ID: 839536505353867265

calendar_today08-03-2017 18:01:15

198 Tweet


104 Following

Evan Gorman (@esgorman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Full and zoned floors make me smile! Easy to do when you pull depth of fills in every department every day! #BtownDontClown #BringItOn #BeatThatFill Kelly Pergram

Full and zoned floors make me smile! Easy to do when you pull depth of fills in every department every day! #BtownDontClown #BringItOn #BeatThatFill <a href="/KellySakai1/">Kelly Pergram</a>
Evan Gorman (@esgorman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No ladders needed for these aisles at 1878! And separating carry forward and non carry forward BTS freight. Now that’s some “expert” backstocking! #BtownDontClown #ZoneItLikeTheFloor Phillip Herbst Kelly Pergram

No ladders needed for these aisles at 1878! And separating carry forward and non carry forward BTS freight. Now that’s some “expert” backstocking! #BtownDontClown #ZoneItLikeTheFloor <a href="/PhillipHerbst39/">Phillip Herbst</a> <a href="/KellySakai1/">Kelly Pergram</a>
Evan Gorman (@esgorman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I was prepping these aisles for BTC freight, but with all of these depth to fills we are dropping who even needs a Backroom! 🤷🏼‍♂️ #BtownDontClown #BTCready Joe Contrucci @I_Tob26 Phillip Herbst Kelly Pergram

I was prepping these aisles for BTC freight, but with all of these depth to fills we are dropping who even needs a Backroom! 🤷🏼‍♂️ #BtownDontClown #BTCready <a href="/ContrucciJoe/">Joe Contrucci</a> @I_Tob26 <a href="/PhillipHerbst39/">Phillip Herbst</a> <a href="/KellySakai1/">Kelly Pergram</a>
Kendra Souder (@kendnlee) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Let’s not forget the amazing 1878 HR team for staffing, onboarding, and helping with training for these awesome DBOs that fill our floor! #staffed #orientationsfordays #BtownDontClown #BTCready 😂😬💁🏻‍♀️

Let’s not forget the amazing 1878 HR team for staffing, onboarding, and helping with training for these awesome DBOs that fill our floor!  #staffed #orientationsfordays #BtownDontClown #BTCready 😂😬💁🏻‍♀️
Gabby Jones (@gabbyajones23) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Who runs the world, DENIM FOLDS! Who runs the world, DENIM FOLDS! #WorkSomewhereYouLove #Target #TargetStyle #T1878 #SpecialitySales

Who runs the world, DENIM FOLDS! Who runs the world, DENIM FOLDS! 
#WorkSomewhereYouLove #Target #TargetStyle #T1878 #SpecialitySales
Evan Gorman (@esgorman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are full and ready to help all of our teachers save this weekend at 1878!!! #BtownDontClown #HelpingOutOurCommunity #HadtogetmyfamilyInOne Phillip Herbst @I_Tob26

We are full and ready to help all of our teachers save this weekend at 1878!!! #BtownDontClown #HelpingOutOurCommunity #HadtogetmyfamilyInOne <a href="/PhillipHerbst39/">Phillip Herbst</a> @I_Tob26
Target (@target) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You’re walking into your favorite Target…I can tell you feel at home slowly walk the aisles, taking your turn the corner and see all the candles and didn’t know you needed one....but it’s okay...we can fix that...we can

Target News (@targetnews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Target’s investing more than $300 million, including increased hourly wages, a new paid leave program, bonuses and community assistance for local, national & global organizations responding to the pandemic. More here:

Target’s investing more than $300 million, including increased hourly wages, a new paid leave program, bonuses and community assistance for local, national &amp; global organizations responding to the pandemic. More here:
Whitney O’Hara (@whitohara) 's Twitter Profile Photo

D140!! You continue to show up day in and day out - this team is truly something special. “Thank you” isn’t a big enough word but hopefully this video makes you smile! #youmaketarget #worksomewhereyoulove ❤️ @santuccicm @ChristineIngran @I_Tob26 Ryan Perry