FutureproofPR (@futureproofpr) 's Twitter Profile


Music company run by Phil Legg & specialising in bespoke Radio, Press, TV & Online promo, digital distribution & new media solutions.

ID: 32368903

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FutureproofPR (@futureproofpr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey #Leeds💥 Get down to Boom Leeds tomorrow (23/2) when #postrock outfit Mount Forel tear up the stage w/ tunes fm their amazing #album #SubRosaStories alongside #DeadCosmonauts NewGhost & Civil Service - The Band🎸 Wow what a great line-up - grab tix 👇😎 bit.ly/3JlGwDg

Hey #Leeds💥 Get down to <a href="/boomleedsvenue/">Boom Leeds</a> tomorrow (23/2) when #postrock outfit <a href="/mountforel/">Mount Forel</a> tear up the stage w/ tunes fm their amazing #album #SubRosaStories alongside #DeadCosmonauts <a href="/newghostband/">NewGhost</a> &amp; <a href="/CivServBand/">Civil Service - The Band</a>🎸 Wow what a great line-up - grab tix 👇😎
