Frances Woolley
Professor of economics at Carleton University. I theorize about life.
ID: 271500022
http://www.carleton.ca/fwoolley 24-03-2011 16:47:40
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Congratulations to CU-RDC researcher Gaëlle Simard-Duplain on her new OECD working paper on the economic cost of childhood socio-economic disadvantage oecd-ilibrary.org/social-issues-…

The deadline to submit to the @CPEG_2024 conference has been extended to Friday, June 28! Please email your research to the scientific committee: [email protected] cpeg.ca/conferences/20…

We're thrilled to announce the winner of the 2024 Finances of the Nation and Lazaridis School of Business & Economics Infographic Competition is Gabriel Louër of the University of Winnipeg!! Congratulations Gabriel! 🥳 Details here: financesofthenation.ca/2024/07/04/inf… #cdnecon

1/2 My paper on the short-run and long-run impact of a large capital gains tax increase in Canada in the mid-1990s is now available on the The Review of Economics and Statistics (REStat) website. This was a fun project to work on, in part because our results made me update my priors.

This paper had everyone at NBER talking this week. Amazing natural experiment, important results! "The Impact of Denying a Wanted Abortion on Women and Children" by Juliana Londoño-Vélez & Estefanía Saravia conference.nber.org/conf_papers/f2…

Balanced, sharp, well-informed - Armine Yalnizyan nails the issues on the temporary foreign worker program.

Careful, thorough, thoughtful reporting from Kate McKenna and Ashley Burke cbc.ca/news/politics/…

"If you hear somebody say, ‘I’m facing a labour shortage,’ there’s a second part of that sentence which is often unstated, which is, ‘I’m facing a labour shortage at the wage I’m offering," says Frances Woolley New TFW restrictions don’t quell debate canadianaffairs.news/2024/09/26/sta…