Emily Fox
Host and producer of Sound & Vision @KEXP Saturdays 7:30-9am. kexp.org/podcasts/sound…
ID: 789780661
https://www.kexp.org/podcasts/sound-vision/ 29-08-2012 17:23:36
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These poor cetaceans are going to get so many constructively critical listener emails today. NPR's Short Wave npr.org/2023/03/03/116…

And abbey simmons reading her story made me cry.

“We had a feeling that our status as a band got about as big as we were comfortable with it being. Even our own gigs had got bigger. And in some respects, we felt something was lost as well as gained." - EverythingButTheGirl kexp.org/podcasts/sound…

“A lot on this record is about how grief is not a punishment, it’s an act of love and it’s just another expression of love,” hurray for the riff raff says of their new album, 'The Past Is Still Alive,' on @KEXP's new podcast, 'A Deeper Listen,' hosted by Emily Fox: nonesuch.com/journal/listen…