The Florida Association of School Nurses is the premier organization dedicated to serving school nurses statewide!
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http://fasn.net 01-05-2016 03:05:09
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Celebrating the Florida School Nurse of the Year, Julie Lovett from Pasco County. Congratulations 🎉Pasco County Schools #PascoProud #FASN2024 FASN NASN, Inc. Pasco County SchooIs

Congratulations Florida School Nurse Administrator of the Year, Wally Colon from Lee County. 🙌🏽 #FASN2024 #LeeCounty #schoolnurse Lee County Schools FASN NASN, Inc.

Happy School Nurse Day!!! To all the nurses who are the heart and soul of our schools, thank you for keeping our students safe and healthy. You are needed and appreciated! NASN, Inc. Hillsborough Schools PalmBeachSchoolNews Hernando Schools pinellasschoolnews Pasco County Schools Broward Schools

Check out what’s new with FASN in our May 2024 newsletter. See how FASN is growing, opportunities for involvement and development, conference info, and a “Member Spotlight” you’re not going to want to miss! 😉 Florida Department of Education NASN, Inc. fasn.net/education/fasn…

As key members of school-based mental and behavioral health care teams, NASN, Inc. are essential in providing safe, supportive environments for students. Senator John Cornyn Senator Ted Cruz Rep. Pat Fallon Please co-sponsor the NURSE Act. #VHillDays2024 #schoolnurses #NASNHillDays

Our very own, Lisa Kern, was nationally recognized for being inducted as a NASN Fellow. This is the highest honor and recognition in NASN!! Lisa Kern RN we are continually impressed and inspired by you. Well done!! 👏👏👏 #NASN2024 #nasnschoolnurse