Eyan Stead Jr
{Student Athlete} {‘26}{5’10 175}ATH @romancatholichs
ID: 1406090299147960321
19-06-2021 03:24:16
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here’s me from the past few weekends!! #rcity💜💛 #callmybluff Coach Prete Marcus Hammond - NLG (Next Level Greats)

Won 2way MVP at the 2024 Skeemteam air it out tournament Archbishop Ryan Football Skeem Team Athletics VicCastilloPRZ

highlights from st. john’s college high school!! great team win 52-21💜💛 Coach Prete Marcus Hammond - NLG (Next Level Greats) EdOBrien247 VicCastilloPRZ dahmir 🎰 8 targets 7 catches 155+yards 3tds

2024 District 12 & Inter-Ac League Week 1 Recap pafootballnews.com/pfn/2024-distr… Imhotep Football @EyanSteadJr1 ROMAN CATHOLIC FOOTBALL Semaj Beals La Salle College HS Football @PCQuakersFB Germantown Academy Football GWHS Eagles Football

Beyond blessed to receive an offer from University of Pittsburgh!! #H2P 🔵🟡 Cory Sanders Coach Prete Marcus Hammond - NLG (Next Level Greats) EdOBrien247 VicCastilloPRZ

Roman is on the board again. Eyan Stead Jr is toying with this team in both sides of the ball. 14-0 Roman in the 1st.

Eyan Stead Jr can turn a catch in traffic into a punt return. Don’t believe me.. 👇 This was called back via penalty, before the 14-0 touchdown.

It’s pitch and catch at this point. The second Touchdown connection between Semaj Beals & Eyan Stead Jr. No sweat being broken. Mercy rule on. 35-0

Beyond blessed to receive an offer from Penn State University!! Coach Prete Marcus Hammond - NLG (Next Level Greats) EdOBrien247 Deion Barnes Marques Hagans

Highlights from our 21-17 win against malvern prep ! Coach Prete Marcus Hammond - NLG (Next Level Greats) dahmir 🎰 dom Joseph EdOBrien247 VicCastilloPRZ Pennsylvania Football News 5 catches 102 yards *game high* 6 solo tackles