Colin Baker (@exploringrealms) 's Twitter Profile
Colin Baker


I will open my mouth and tell stories; I will bring out into the open things hidden since the world’s first day.- Matthew 13:34-35 MSG

ID: 1151000797879996417

calendar_today16-07-2019 05:29:09

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TaraBull (@tarabull808) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Top 10 Headlines the mainstream media didn't tell you this week 10. Donald Trump to come back to 𝕏 in a LIVE interview with Elon Musk on Monday.

Top 10 Headlines the mainstream media didn't tell you this week

10. Donald Trump to come back to 𝕏 in a LIVE interview with Elon Musk on Monday.
Mark Grote (@markgrote) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Have you received the Holy Spirit [[SINCE]] you believed?" This is the question Paul asked some disciples who visited him in Acts 19. No one doubts that the HS is operative in every believer, but there's another baptism beyond water that helps you move in power. Get it today!

“Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pope Francis Orders Humanity to Follow ‘Universal Bishop’ Klaus Schwab During ‘End Times’. According to Pope Francis, Klaus Schwab has been appointed “universal bishop” because his plan to restore nature to its position of primacy in the world order means he is more relevant

Pope Francis Orders Humanity to Follow ‘Universal Bishop’ Klaus Schwab During ‘End Times’.

According to Pope Francis, Klaus Schwab has been appointed “universal bishop” because his plan to restore nature to its position of primacy in the world order means he is more relevant
Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

12/12 I consistently post about optimizing your metabolism and becoming the best version of yourself. Please share this thread and follow me for tips on strengthening both your body and mind, so you can live your best, most resilient, and fearless life.…

Be Better (@be_like_jchrist) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Repenting of sin will not stop you from sinning . As a matter fact, as condemnation grows, it probably will get worse. Maybe try repenting of identity, and ask God to explain to you who you are. Ask Him to show you how He sees you.

Lynette (@lynettef316) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What a church gathering should look like according to the Bible. This can be found in 1 Corinthians, and hebrews, and Acts.…

Allen Arnold (@thestoryofwith) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Immortal Tessy Yes! Scripture says it's possible to have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16) and be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). Doing so is the best way to be filled with peace and rid our minds of anxious thoughts.

Craig Brockie (@craigbrockie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meet Big Pharma’s greatest threat: Barbara O’Neill. This 71-year-old woman’s banned healing methods have saved millions of lives. I've collected her top 8 lessons for peak health and lasting longevity: 🧵

Meet Big Pharma’s greatest threat: 

Barbara O’Neill.

This 71-year-old woman’s banned healing methods have saved millions of lives.

I've collected her top 8 lessons for peak health and lasting longevity: 🧵
Allen Arnold (@thestoryofwith) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Social media won't slow down. The news cycle won't slow down. AI can’t answer your biggest questions. The binge-worthy series won't shut itself off. Draining people won't stop draining. But you have a choice. In a world of non-stop noise, be fully present to what matters most.

Allen Arnold (@thestoryofwith) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The best professors and teachers don't tell students what to think. They help students learn HOW to think. Education is never indoctrination. The goal is independent thinking, not to parrot an instructor's worldview. Test us on that. Wisdom and knowledge aren't the same thing.

Colin Baker (@exploringrealms) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mark Grote Yep; deliberately obvious. What's the game? One 'prophetic' Scripture comes to mind, but it's a wait and see for that one, it's so radical.

Dr. Maalouf ‏ (@realmaalouf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is how Lebanon went from being a prosperous Christian country to being ruled by Islamists. Pay close attention! “As Christians, we opened our doors to Muslims, and welcomed them into our country. We wanted to be inclusive and even made them part of the government. But due

Dean Berker (@deano8182) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is the first word of your Bible in Hebrew. You'd pronounce it as "BERESHEET" right to left, & it predicts the crucifixion of the Messiah #Yeshua. Take the first 2 consonants right to left & you get "BAR." Meaning "SON." Then the next letter is the Aleph. The first letter of

This is the first word of your Bible in Hebrew. You'd pronounce it as "BERESHEET" right to left, & it predicts the crucifixion of the Messiah #Yeshua. Take the first 2 consonants right to left & you get "BAR." Meaning "SON." Then the next letter is the Aleph. The first letter of
Allen Arnold (@thestoryofwith) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When the powerful seek to silence those they serve, it reveal a toxic arrogance. They can’t win on the merit of the issue so they choose chaos over conversation and control over freedom. Yet God brings down the proud. He reveals what's done in secret. He has the final say.