Erik Losey (@erik_losey) 's Twitter Profile
Erik Losey


ID: 1005574922

calendar_today12-12-2012 04:39:13

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Erik Losey (@erik_losey) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congrats to Vincent Munlin Jr. & Kyler Edwards on their graduation today!! Not enough words can express how proud this guy is of them. Two of the greatest humans I’ve been fortunate to be around in my years. Thanks for all you do and how you represent this team/unit & your families.

Congrats to <a href="/JrMunlin/">Vincent Munlin Jr.</a> &amp; <a href="/kyleredwards702/">Kyler Edwards</a> on their graduation today!! Not enough words can express how proud this guy is of them. Two of the greatest humans I’ve been fortunate to be around in my years. Thanks for all you do and how you represent this team/unit &amp; your families.