Twitter account for sharing and connecting AHPs across the East of England. #EoEAHPs
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ID: 1441040217717288960
23-09-2021 14:03:00
352 Tweet
190 Following

#AHPsDay2022 is finally here. We are celebrating our amazing AHPs East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust today @HWE_ICS Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust EoEAHPs Herts & west Essex AHPs with the support of East and North Hertfordshire Hospitals' Charity. Check in to hear about some of the incredible AHPs we have working for us

Wishing all of our totally #awesome AHPs a very Happy #AHPsDay today follow us and Team ESNEFT for AHP day celebrations 🎉🎉🎉

Happy #AHPsDay to all our #AHPs, #AHPsupportworkers, #AHPlearners On behalf of the #AHPcouncil & #AHPfaculty, thank you for all you do. Keep being awesome! Anglia Ruskin FHEMS EEAST Ambulance Service Royal Papworth AHPs @NwangliaFT_AHPs CCS NHST Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Training Hub CPFT Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Cambs & Peterborough Integrated Care System

Listened to some wonderful poems by our very own Vandana Khurana during a candlelight vigil marking BHM at the forum in Norwich JPUH NHS FT

Listening to the Cahpo’s address #AHPsDay2022 EoEAHPs Integrated Therapies at James Paget Hospital JPUH NHS FT

Such a powerful discussion on Anti-Racism strategy. Thank you Yat for committing to the session and managing the time difference from Canada! We are truly grateful 🙏 Yat Tsang Rachel Wakefield Penny Snowden Karen Hurst Jo Fishpoole Rowena Harvey💙 RGN, RSCN, SCPHN(HV) Ashila Bhutia (Ash) Anna Hills EoEAHPs

Yat Tsang EoEAHPs NHS East of England NHSE Workforce, Training and Education – EoE Sara Ennew Rachel Wakefield Ashila Bhutia (Ash) tazivei masarira Deborah-S Konu Dhiren Shivji Thanks Yat Tsang. You've been a strong, visionary and compassionate leader for the EoEAHPs #EthnicMinorityNetwork. We celebrate you! Happy #AHPsDay #Inspire #ProudToBeAHP

Visit our East of England - FutureNHS page to join the Mission to #reconditionthenation via this link shorturl.at/pqU08 You will be supported with useful links, resources, ideas, videos and presentations Deconditioning Games East of England NHS East of England ReconditionTheNation

East of England has their #ReconditionTheNation page set up Geraldine Rodgers OBE RGN 💙 Deb Whittaker Helen Bennett . Have the other regions and countries done this yet to se sure we all play our part in #SitUpGetDressedKeepMoving ReconditionTheNation