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ID: 1234104146242031618 01-03-2020 13:14:15
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We invited Bastien Lapierre (University of Zurich) to talk about topologically localized insulators ( at VirtualScienceForum Speakers' Corner. The talk is today at 15 EU time, join in…
In our next Long Range Colloquium this Wednesday Dec 1 Corentin Coulais will introduce Odd Robotic Matter—the most natural platform for non-Hermitian physics. Register here:…
Just in case you missed it, in two hours in a speakers' corner VirtualScienceForum seminar, Charlie Kane will will explain his idea how to probe Fermi sea topology via nonlinear conductance. Register here:…
Today, 4pm CET in VirtualScienceForum #speakerscorner a talk by Jinglei Zhang from IQC University of Waterloo explaining how to simulate high energy physics on quantum computers - one of my fav papers of 2021 - register here…
Very cool article about simulating particle physics on quantum computers…. Jinglei Zhang Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) University of Waterloo recently explained this work in VirtualScienceForum #SpeakersCorner seminar - watch it here…
This Wednesday a fellow Quantum Tinkerer Isidora Araya Day will talk at the VirtualScienceForum #VSFSpeakersCorner about her work with Daniel Varjas and me… ( It's about how topological protection fails when naively it shouldn't 🧵👇
We are excited to announce "Superconducting diode effects" workshop on May 18-19 organised by Valla Fatemi Cornell University Prof. Maz and Heng Wu Quantum Nanoscience TU Delft TU Delft with an amazing line-up of speakers. Register here…
Next Thursday I'll be giving a VirtualScienceForum talk about our latest work (in collaboration with Tanko Tanev and Anton Akhmerov) on greedy optimization of Majorana junctions. Hope to see you there! The sign up page is here:…
Together with Babak S 🇨🇦🇺🇸🏳️🇺🇦🎗️ and Michael Sentef we are happy to announce the 𝗙𝗹𝗼𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘁 𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 by the Virtual Science Forum. Check the program and register now at the school page. VirtualScienceForum #VirtualScienceForum
My collaborator Yi Huang is giving a talk about this work (at VirtualScienceForum) next Monday at noon US eastern time: "What is the relation between activation energy and band gap in a 2D insulator?" The talk is open to all. Register to attend here:…
I will present this work on October 5 at 15:00 UTC VirtualScienceForum's #VSFSpeakersCorner. You can register here to watch it:…
Monday next week Isidora Araya Day will give a VirtualScienceForum #VSFSpeakersCorner talk about distinguishing magnetic insulators—a work we recently wrapped up. Talk info:… Here's the problem that we solved.
I and Brian Skinner are organizing an online workshop on March 2: "Does condensed matter physics need to worry about a replication crisis?" VirtualScienceForum… Thanks to Anton Akhmerov for setting it up! Great speakers and panelists lined up!