Songwriting Festival
Partnering with @sessionsandsail to bring you a songwriting voyage for 2024! 26th May to 1st June - Oban to Barra
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http://www.shetlandsongwritingfestival.com 27-02-2019 17:29:15
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Just 3 places left for the online Songwriting festival next week! join us 16th-18th & get creative, learn tools and techniques of songwriting with three of the best lucy farrell M G Boulter The Burning Hell! shetlandsongwritingfestival.com Hudson Records Jenny Sturgeon Live to your Living Room

One week today! Join us online with Live to your Living Room for a gig with the superb lucy farrell and M G Boulter A rare opportunity to hear these two incredible singer-songwriters performing together! TICKETS: livetoyourlivingroom.com/events/shetlan…

just ONE place left at the online songwriting festival! Get in quick if you want to come! 16th-18th September with lucy farrell M G Boulter and The Burning Hell Mathias Kom! shetlandsongwritingfestival.com

We had a wonderful night with Will Pound and Jenn Butterworth on Friday, and our new season is well and truly underway! Up next, lucy farrell and M G Boulter on 16th September, for the opening gig of Songwriting Festival - don't miss out! livetoyourlivingroom.com/events/shetlan…

Join us ONLINE on friday 16th for a gig with the fabulous M G Boulter and lucy farrell! Not to the missed! Live to your Living Room livetoyourlivingroom.com/events/shetlan…

Delighted to be hosting this gig alongside the brilliant Live to your Living Room for Songwriting Festival. Open to everyone! Come join wis THIS FRIDAY! It'll fill your boots with song joy livetoyourlivingroom.com/events/shetlan…

Stuck in this Friday? Come join me and lucy farrell for the inaugural gig to kickstart this year's Songwriting Festival. Fully online and hosted by Jenny Sturgeon & Live to your Living Room. Looking forward to sharing stories and songs with my good friend. Tix here: livetoyourlivingroom.com/events/shetlan…

Following the sad news about our dear friend Paul Sartin, we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the Songwriting Festival gig with lucy farrell and M G Boulter tomorrow night. 1/3

Please see below from Live to your Living Room regarding tomorrow nights gig. Sending them and everyone who knew Paul our very best wishes. x

Festival well and truly started with a bunch of fascinating and inspiring songwriting exercises from M G Boulter and lucy farrell! A wee coffee break and now on to more!

Gorgeous morning for a walk before day 2 of Songwriting Festival with more insights and songwriting tasks from lucy farrell and M G Boulter and special guest appearance from The Burning Hell!

It was a joy to be part of the Songwriting Festival this weekend. Everyone was so dedicated, open and inspiring. Wonderful to hang out with my mates and cohosts lucy farrell & Jenny Sturgeon. If you're interested in more workshops like this, let us know! #songwriting

⛵️We've teamed up with Sessions and Sail to bring you a songwriting and sailing trip in 2024! ⛵️ 26th May to 1st June - Oban to Barra Join Jenny Sturgeon, Boo Hewerdine and the Sessions and Sail team for a week of songwriting, sailing and island exploring! sessionsandsail.com/songwriting-20…

A space has become available on our Songwriting & Sailing trip this May/June! Sessions and Sail Songwriting Festival Sailing from OBAN to BARRA 26th May to 1st June! Join me & Boo Hewerdine for songwriting & sailing adventure on the west coast! Find out more: sessionsandsail.com/songwriting-20…