Wendy M Berryman
ID: 884953216131231744
12-07-2017 01:51:03
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So honored to be a part of the #KYGoDigital Northern KY Virtual event! Check out this @SmorePages by Adam Watson to check out all the action! #kytechchat #jcpsdl smore.com/4y63m-kygodigi…
"Education begins to open our eyes to our own potential, & persisting through challenges in education lets us know something about our true capabilities." @bblomramsey of Prichard Committee edtru.st/2tKNXM4 #ProfilesInEquity
In honor of the ECET2KY spirit, KY Teacher Fellows Alumni Fellow @missbrown111 engaged over 100 educators to read & reflect on 'The Pepper Effect', then invited the author, Sean Gaillard, to the convening as a keynote speaker. #ECET2 #HSGPrep bit.ly/2DvclaN
Each soul enters with a mission. We all have a mission! #KyGoDigital Whitney York KATE_MSU Stephanie Rathgeber @HarperMCBOE