Elena Gissi (@gissielena) 's Twitter Profile
Elena Gissi


Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow, MEDIX project, Ecology, Conservation, Environmental management, Climate change adaptation and mitigation.

ID: 1016606553347063808

calendar_today10-07-2018 08:54:24

315 Tweet


190 Following

MSP-GREEN (@mspgreen22) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The partnership gathered in Malaga, hosted by IEO_OEM to discuss valuable practices combining sustainability in MSP frameworks. Brain juice is pouring!

The partnership gathered in Malaga, hosted by <a href="/ieo_oem/">IEO_OEM</a> to discuss valuable practices combining sustainability in MSP frameworks. Brain juice is pouring!
CNR-DTA (@cnrdta) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#CnrDsstta23 Elena Gissi (Marie Curie Global e rientro in Italia), Elena Gissi CNR-ISMAR Ha vinto una Marie Curie Global integrando la diversità intraspecifica e la modellistica ambientale Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Elena Gissi (Marie Curie Global e rientro in Italia), <a href="/GissiElena/">Elena Gissi</a> <a href="/CnrIsmar/">CNR-ISMAR</a> 
Ha vinto una Marie Curie Global integrando la diversitĂ  intraspecifica e la modellistica ambientale
<a href="/MSCActions/">Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions</a>
Catarina FrazĂŁo Santos (@cfrazaosantos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Starting a new adventure soon! #ERCStG European Research Council (ERC) Project PLAnT (Planning for Sustainable Ocean Use in Antarctica Under Global Environmental Change)🌊🌊 youtu.be/3gWJdCiPwjc (video with EN subtitles) eurekalert.org/news-releases/…

Heliana Teixeira (@lilitateixeira) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An umbrella #ResearchTopic is open Frontiers - Marine Science and Frontiers - Sustainability Submit the findings of your research that allows 'Understanding the Response of Ecosystems to Increasing Human Pressures and Climate Change – Management Options' 🗓️By 15th November 2024 shorturl.at/psVW5

An umbrella #ResearchTopic is open <a href="/FrontMarineSci/">Frontiers - Marine Science</a> and <a href="/FrontSustain/">Frontiers - Sustainability</a>
Submit the findings of your research that allows 'Understanding the Response of Ecosystems to Increasing Human Pressures and Climate Change – Management Options'
🗓️By 15th November 2024 shorturl.at/psVW5
Catarina FrazĂŁo Santos (@cfrazaosantos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 After a very long time under preparation, our paper identifying 10 Key Components to promote the development and implementation of sustainable and equitable #Climate-smart #MarineSpatialPlanning around the globe is out! npj Ocean Sustainability Take a look!! nature.com/articles/s4418…

📢 After a very long time under preparation, our paper identifying 10 Key Components to promote the development and implementation of sustainable and equitable #Climate-smart #MarineSpatialPlanning around the globe is out! <a href="/npjOceanSustain/">npj Ocean Sustainability</a>
Take a look!!

Katrin Schroeder (@katrinbarena) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Upcoming Summer School "Oceanography Unveiled" on the San Servolo Island in Venice, with lectures by Lynne Talley, Toste Tanhua, Gianmaria Sannino, John Wilkin, Annalisa Griffa and Alberto Garabato. apply here forms.office.com/e/X7fNyLuD8i

Upcoming Summer School "Oceanography Unveiled" on the San Servolo Island in Venice, with lectures by Lynne Talley, <a href="/TosteTanhua/">Toste Tanhua</a>, <a href="/GianmariaSannin/">Gianmaria Sannino</a>, John Wilkin, Annalisa Griffa and Alberto Garabato.
apply here forms.office.com/e/X7fNyLuD8i
Elena Gissi (@gissielena) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Glad to be invited as an expert at the MSP-GREEN workshop about including #EuropeanGreenDeal into #MSP. The great Martina Bocci introducing our tasks. Great color match gives a special touch to our working environment! CNR-ISMAR CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche corila.it UniversitĂ  Iuav di Venezia

Glad to be invited as an expert at the <a href="/MSPGREEN22/">MSP-GREEN</a> workshop about including #EuropeanGreenDeal into #MSP. The great <a href="/martina_bocci/">Martina Bocci</a> introducing our tasks. Great color match gives a special touch to our working environment! <a href="/CnrIsmar/">CNR-ISMAR</a> <a href="/CNRsocial_/">CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche</a> <a href="/corilavenice/">corila.it</a> <a href="/iuav/">UniversitĂ  Iuav di Venezia</a>
Tools4MSP (@tools4msp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are seeking a research fellow to enhance indicators and #DecisionSupportTools to support for #MaritimeSpatialPlanning You can find the call for application for a #research #fellowship of one year CNR-ISMAR in #Venice here: urp.cnr.it/node/10870 Deadline August 25, 2024

We are seeking a research fellow to enhance indicators and #DecisionSupportTools to support for #MaritimeSpatialPlanning
You can find the call for application for a #research #fellowship of one year <a href="/CnrIsmar/">CNR-ISMAR</a> in #Venice here: urp.cnr.it/node/10870
Deadline August 25, 2024
Stelios Katsanevakis (@skatsanevakis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Still open for submissions: Understanding the Response of Ecosystems to Increasing Human Pressures and CC – Management Options Frontiers - Marine Science Dr Angel Borja Heliana Teixeira Elena Gissi So far: 15 published articles, 31,000 views, >25 citations frontiersin.org/researchtopic/…

Still open for submissions: Understanding the Response of Ecosystems to Increasing Human Pressures and CC – Management Options <a href="/FrontMarineSci/">Frontiers - Marine Science</a> <a href="/AngelBorjaYerro/">Dr Angel Borja</a> <a href="/LilitaTeixeira/">Heliana Teixeira</a> <a href="/GissiElena/">Elena Gissi</a> 
So far: 15 published articles, 31,000 views, &gt;25 citations 
EU MSP Platform (@eu_msp_platform) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢[Breaking News!] Congratulations to Italy for the official adoption of their #MaritimeSpatialPlans ! The plans were approved by Ministerial Decree on 25th of September, bringing the number of MSPs in Europe to 20! Find out more about MSP in Italy here 👉maritime-spatial-planning.ec.europa.eu/countries/italy

📢[Breaking News!] Congratulations to Italy for the official adoption of their #MaritimeSpatialPlans ! The plans were approved by Ministerial Decree on 25th of September, bringing the number of MSPs in Europe to 20! Find out more about MSP in Italy here 👉maritime-spatial-planning.ec.europa.eu/countries/italy