Mother of 3, farm partner, Certified Management Accountant working in the grain industry
ID: 583963290
18-05-2012 15:03:22
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It's The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair week in ON, drawing 300,000+ visitors. What's one thing about your farm you'd love to share with a larger audience? #RAWF2015

"I'm proud to be a farmer and contribute to growing safe, quality, healthy products." - Terry Youzwa #LicenseToFarm

The movie "LicenseToFarm" is now available. A must see for anyone interested in food License to Farm #L2F licensetofarm.com @SaskCanola

Grain Safety Entrapment Demo unit in action @farmtechevent CASA/ACSA sponsored by @SaskCanola Alberta Canola Canola Growers CCGA_ca

A pleasure speaking about increasing exports of one of Canada’s biggest agricultural success stories: Canola! Canola Council of Canada CCGA_ca Heureux de parler de l'augmentation des exportations de l'une des plus grandes réussites agricoles Canadienne:Canola! Canola Council of Canada CCGA_ca

"I look to every board member I’m involved with as mentors. I am learning as they are learning,” says Bernie McClean Bernie McClean - How this farmer from #Saskatchewan became a better business #leader country-guide.ca/2018/04/20/how… Country Guide #farmer CCGA_ca #westcdnag #canola

I’d hafta guess that betwee the @PioneerWCanada Impact & PKP Trials, Crop Science Canada DSTs, the #canolaUCC plot and the many AAFC and AB Ag bug traps, I must have the most flags, stakes and markers per acre than any other commercial farm in Canada! 😂 #FlagKing