CNRS research director at LIP6, Sorbonne University, Paris. Interested in black-box optimization (theory, benchmarking, and applications)
ID: 1204419121707794432
http://www-ia.lip6.fr/~doerr/ 10-12-2019 15:14:43
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Happy to collaborate with Mitra Baratchi and Saber Salehkaleybar on a new project on Causal Machine Learning for Spatio-temporal Datasets 🌟 We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher for 4 years - Consider applying if you are interested and enthusiastic about the project!

Hiring alert to work alongside CarolaDoerr on Profiling Iterative Optimization Heuristics! PostDocs & Research Engineers / Software developers iohprofiler.github.io

La semaine prochaine, WiMLDS Paris se joint à la conférence #AutoML sur l'initiative de CarolaDoerr ! Il reste des places, les intervenantes parleront de l'histoire de l'AutoML et de ses usages. Vous aurez aussi accès aux posters! Venez #WiMLDSParis meetup.com/fr-FR/paris-wo…

I'm looking for more reviewers (especially in optimization theory) for Transactions on Machine Learning Research, please reach out with your email (you can send it to me in DM) if you're interested in becoming a reviewer! TMLR has the best system I know: 1. You don't get assigned more than 1 submission at a

Excited to host the AutoML_conf here in Paris this week 😍😍 ℹ️Program: 2024.automl.cc/?page_id=1401 🥲 Didn’t register? Join us tomorrow evening for the WiMLDS@AutoML event and learn more about AutoML: meetup.com/paris-women-in…

CNRS Sciences informatiques organise la conférence « L’optimisation, au cœur des défis des sciences informatiques », afin que communauté scientifique, industriels, politiques, journalistes échangent sur l'#optimisation 🗓️ 3 octobre à Paris 👇 Infos et inscription ➡️ ins2i.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/co…

What a great pleasure it was to host the AutoML_conf here in Paris this week. Big shoutout to all co-organizers and in particular to the amazing Elena Raponi Anja Janković Simon Provost and to the online chairs Gabi Kadlecová and André Biedenkapp See you in NYC next year 😃

We have another opening for a PhD in AutoML Universität München. Apply now at job-portal.lmu.de/jobposting/ba1… #PhD #MachineLearning #Statistics #DataScience #AutoML

Interested in optimization? Join us for 3 days packed w/ great presentations - register asap (for free) Oct 2 GDR ROD Industry day 🇫🇷 gdrro.lip6.fr/?q=node/334 Oct 3 CNRS optimization day 🇫🇷 ins2i.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/co… Oct 4 Scientific day on optimization 🇬🇧 ins2i.cnrs.fr/en/scientific-…

Pour notre 50ème meetup WiMLDS Paris, nous voyons les choses en grand et accueillons Isabelle Collet et Irène Waldspurger, médaille de bronze #CNRS 2020, chargée de recherche CNRS 🌍 au CEREMADE. Vous venez? C'est Pruna AI qui nous reçoit! #WiMLDSParis meetup.com/paris-women-in…