Emilia Moretti
Educator... Passionate about stories. Through stories we will find our place in the world as compassionate individuals. she/her
ID: 26399049
25-03-2009 02:03:51
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Thank to Manjeevan and Chandaly and the whole Children's Librarian team, Weston Branch Toronto Public Library for all their hard work preparing for our visits the last three weeks. It is definitely one of our Happy Places. TCDSB Summer Learning Toronto Catholic District School Board Kevin Kerr #TCDSBSummerLearning2024
Thank you Ms Charlotte for teaching us about Zones of Regulation and sharing strategies like hand breathing to help us center ourselves. TCDSB Summer Learning Toronto Catholic District School Board Kevin Kerr #TCDSBSummerLearning2024
There is no winding down as we approach our last day TCDSB Summer Learning . Another busy day with teacher conferencing, map making, and wrapping up activities. Our Gallery of Learning is ready for our last day. Toronto Catholic District School Board Kevin Kerr #TCDSBSummerLearning2024
A perfect summer day to take a final neighborhood walk in Weston. Lots to see and collect. Our most favourite is the train passing by. TCDSB Summer Learning Toronto Catholic District School Board Kevin Kerr #TCDSBSummerLearning2024
How better to end a warm summer day after lots of learning- making ice cream sundaes. A huge thank you to the The Angel Foundation The Angel Foundation for providing us our nutrition program and summer treats. TCDSB Summer Learning Toronto Catholic District School Board Kevin Kerr #tcdsbsummerlearning2024
“Ms. Moretti let me show you what I can do now!” This is the magic of Summer Learning. #tcdsbsummerlearning2024 TCDSB Summer Learning Toronto Catholic District School Board Kevin Kerr
Enjoying the beautiful celebration of learning at St John the Evangelist TCDSB Summer Learning. Amazing work from all. Our thanks for the amazing leadership and care from staff members Emilia Moretti, Ms. Marino, Ms. Tino, Ms. Figliomeni, and Ms. Muia! #tcdsbsummerlearning2024 Toronto Catholic District School Board
And this is why I love to be a part of TCDSB Summer Learning☀️🍎 the passion from every educator is phenomenal and contagious Toronto Catholic District School Board this is definitely the place to be. My heart is so full and thankful to everyone who makes this the success it is
A big shout out to our grade 7&8 buddies who organized and led a Play Day for the grade 1 students. A fun afternoon of play and games. Awesome leadership and friendships. TCDSB Summer Learning Toronto Catholic District School Board Kevin Kerr #TCDSBSummerLearning2024
A huge thank you to The Angel Foundation for the delicious snacks and pizza lunch. ❤️ TCDSB Summer Learning Toronto Catholic District School Board Kevin Kerr #TCDSBSummerLearning2024
Final day wrap up! An awesome educator team and awesome kids ready for grade 2. A fulfilling Sumner Learning where relationships formed and connections were made. It was a rewarding journey. Happy Summer! TCDSB Summer Learning Toronto Catholic District School Board Kevin Kerr #TCDSBSummerLearning2024