Edvard Nielsen Signature
Digital Fashion Signature created by multidisciplinary artist IG @edvard_nielsen_art | Virtual Rare ArtWear & NFT |📍Mexico | DM for collab | see + below
ID: 114090840
http://beacons.ai/edvardnielsen/ 14-02-2010 03:18:27
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#DressxAIcreator finalist #5 Vote for Isabeau Rösinger Like & Retweet this post if you want this AI-generated creation to be produced in 3D & AR wearables, to wear on DRESSX. Top 3 winners with the most likes + RT will be selected Friday 12pm EST.

#DressxAIcreator BONUS finalist #11 Vote for ILONA SONG Like & Retweet this post if you want this AI-generated creation to be produced in 3D & AR wearables, to wear on DRESSX.

This is exciting! Discover our new digital films. Join THE FASHIONVERSE on February 17th & 18th, brought by Digital Fashion Week & MAD Global Hosted by Epic Games Store #thefashionverse #digitalfashionweek #digitalfashion #virtualfashion #3dfashion #cryptofashion

NEO XAMAN ASTRO NAUTS coming soon on @digitalfashionweekny next Feb 9nd, 10th and 11th. Also join THE FASHIONVERSE on Feb 17th and 18th, brought by Digital Fashion Week & MAD Global Hosted by Epic Games Store #thefashionverse #digitalfashionweek #digitalfashion #virtualfashion #3dart

Sneak pic from the first panel! Nicole Reader from Modern Mirror & Ashumiss.eth from MAD Global 🫶🏼 #thefashionverse Digital Fashion Week & MAD Global Hosted by Epic Games Store

Picture from the second panel 🫶🏼 Moderated by TheFuturistGuy With Kadine James from The Immersive KIND, Alex Van Gestel from EPAM Systems and Isabelle Sainty from DRAUP Digital Fashion Week & MAD Global Hosted by Epic Games Store

➡️ LIMITED EDITION ⬅️ Digital Fashion 💕👗💕 6️⃣ designers. 6️⃣ exclusive outfits. Gala-ready Metaverse fashion 🚀 Announcing a new partnership with Betül Beyazıt.me — a special edition of 6️⃣ looks to add to your ReadyPlayerMe wardrobe.👗🩱👚👙🧥 from th… instagr.am/p/CpQe5cev04h/

#MVFW23 RSVP now: ift.tt/GDpFV1N Join us in a multicultural music and arts space with the official supermodel of #MVFW23 @dcl.tangpoko X @metafashionhouse x @digitalfashionweeknyc x The Female Quotient x thehugxyz Special appearances from DJ CherishTheLuv aka LUVABL, DexDJ.x @[email protected]…

DFW x EXCLUSIBLE Exclusible is thrilled to announce one of our #MVFW23 partners: Digital Fashion Week x Ready Player Me's exclusive collaboration with Web3 Couture virtual space. Featuring the industry's top designers, including: @estellepearce_digital_fashion Studio Lobe @…

DFW x EXCLUSIBLE Exclusible is thrilled to announce one of our #MVFW23 partners: Digital Fashion Week x Ready Player Me's exclusive collaboration with Web3 Couture virtual space. Featuring the industry's top designers, including: @estellepearce_digital_… instagr.am/p/CqSFr2wuLYM/

#MVFW23 @dcl.tangpoko X @metafashionhouse dress up in @edvard_nielsen_signature RSVP now: ift.tt/MtrZkw7 Join us in a multicultural music and arts space with the official supermodel of #MVFW23 @dcl.tangpoko X @metafashionhouse x @digitalfashionweeknyc x خواطر انثى…

GM to digital fashion without limits 💫 Meet Edvard Nielsen Signature, a Mexican-based designer with PROTOPIAS SERIES available on DRESSX

Amchi, a Taiwan-based Creative Director and model, wears a custom face chain and High Priestess by Edvard Nielsen Signature. Special services are now available for couture projects. #specialitems #metatelier #specialservices #digitalart #digitalfashion #editorial special-items.com/pages/special-…

Here are the creative artists👇 METADRIPPS Digital Fashion PET LIGER Julia Blanc | BlancDeBlanc GN3RA altr @hw3_io Edvard Nielsen Signature KRWN Studio ARTISANT new NFTs every day 💫 shiu studio ILONA SONG METANEON

MAXX 𓂀 ODLabs 🔥Digital Fashion Week is just around the corner! From Sept 7th to Sept 10th featuring MozbArt Svetlana Yakunina Nova Lorraine aka SuperNova Edvard Nielsen Signature—experience runway fashion & listen to engaging panels. #NYFW #Web3 #DigitalFashion More details.👇🏻 blockster.com/nyc-digital-fa…

We are loving the 3d animation by Edvard Nielsen Signature. The digital twin of Karine James is starring the ARCTURUS Collection. This fashion film was displayed in London and Paris Fashion Week, The Immersive KIND and ArtSect Gallery #AnimationArt #Metaverse #Digitalfashion #3dfashion