#Irongran | 80yr old triathlete, CEO/founder @Silverfitorg |🏅Awarded BEM Services to Health & Wellbeing of Older People | Autobiography: amzn.to/2CsI0W
ID: 372272784
http://www.silverfit.org.uk 12-09-2011 13:31:29
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Silverfit Founder Edwina joined Age UK Camden Book Club this week! "Great to meet Lucy Pollock and hear all about her new book - 'The Book About Getting Older'..." Find out more about how to join the monthly book club: ageuk.org.uk/camden/activit… #tacklingloneliness

Today we welcome our new subsidiary silverfitorg to Age UK Camden. We are excited to work in #partnership together in helping to promote happier and healthier ageing in Camden 🎉

On Friday 9th December we held our launch event with Age UK Camden, celebrating Silverfit becoming a subsidiary of the charity! Our thanks to Talacre Community Sports Centre Better & Map Studio Café in Kentish town for hosting us. 📷Susanne Hakuba susannehakuba.com

Happy New Year!!🎉 Great result on Sunday, 15 weeks after my fall off my bike and rode 15km - confidence restored! Passed through bushy park and walk/jogged the Bushy parkrun #Silverfit

Thanks volunteers Bushy parkrun -Tough wind /rain but loved it silverfitorg #loveparkrun GLL Sport Foundation Serpentine Running Club

Fun day w GoodHabitz Serpentine Running Club GLL Sport Foundation - looking forward to swimming tomorrow GLL Vauxhall instagram.com/stories/_irong…

First walk/jog at Serpentine Running Club 7km monthly handicap for a while! So nice to see so many friends again!😊 #SerpentineRC #Silverfit

Fab to be back at Burgess parkrun albeit a slower walk/jog! So nice to see so many friends again😊 #ParkRunUK #BurgessParkRun #IronGran

When the Birthday Girl outperforms everyone on the dance floor. ❤❤❤ Happiest 80th birthday, Eddie. Our Burgess parkrun IronGran. Edwina silverfitorg parkrun UK #BirthdayCelebration #80yearsyoung

Fab イチ Bushy parkrun - albeit slow walk/jogging! Thanks parkrun 🌳 parkrun volunteers Serpentine Running Club silverfitorg this 80yr old will go faster next week!!!