Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Author of "In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All"
Emperor of the Millennials
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"Unfulfilled desire is a part of the human condition because fulfilling desires cause the desires to be replaced with new desires; it doesn't cause desire itself to be eliminated." - Eckhart Aurelius Hughes

"Generally speaking, you cannot control your body’s feelings or even your mind’s thoughts. But your body and thoughts do not control your choices; you do." - Eckhart Aurelius Hughes

"Life challenges you every day, and every day you will experience the 'beautiful struggle' that is life itself, which in part means that generally every single day you will feel some pain, fear, and discomfort." - Eckhart Aurelius Hughes

Eckhart Aurelius Hughes "The hate or love you have is real. Your choice to do your best to put that love—or hate—into practice is undeniably real." 👌👌👍

Eckhart Aurelius Hughes "Your true intentions and the choices you make are real, no matter what." - 100%

Eckhart Aurelius Hughes "To have unconditional love in your heart for everyone and everything is to be in heaven." đź’Ż

If Chase Oliver was on stage in #Debate2024, I think he would win the election by a landside. Trump and Harris aren't even answering the questions. They have no substance.

Eckhart Aurelius Hughes "Legal doesn't mean consensual." I agree!

Eckhart Aurelius Hughes "An imaginary roadblock can be as effective as a real one." So very true!

Eckhart Aurelius Hughes "If someone thinks they are in prison when they are in a room with an unlocked door, then they likely won't bother getting up and walking towards the door." It's all about how you perceive things!

Eckhart Aurelius Hughes "If one is truly and invincibly happy (i.e. has inner peace and extreme full-fledged happy self-discipline) then it is almost impossible for that person to not be incredibly successful in whatever their chosen goals are." I completely agree!

Eckhart Aurelius Hughes "Such extreme full-fledged free-spirited inner peace (a.k.a. true happiness) and the extreme full-fledged self-discipline that it entails attract incredible success in finances, business, careers..." I agree.