Darcy Telenko (@dtelenko) 's Twitter Profile
Darcy Telenko


Extension Field Crop Pathologist, Purdue University. Opinions here may not reflect official views of Purdue University

ID: 780790194

linkhttps://indianafieldcroppathology.com/ calendar_today25-08-2012 18:08:39

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Darcy Telenko (@dtelenko) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our tar spot survey in IN has begun. Adding a number of counties today, many with only a few spots vs. some pockets with more disease. Weather is a big factor on where tar spot is appearing....moisture is key. @waibelkaitlin @sroccocamila Monica Mizuno Purdue Extension Indiana Corn Growers Association

Our tar spot survey in IN has begun. Adding a number of counties today, many with only a few spots vs. some pockets with more disease. Weather is a big factor on where tar spot is appearing....moisture is key. @waibelkaitlin @sroccocamila <a href="/mizuno_monica/">Monica Mizuno</a> <a href="/PurdueExtension/">Purdue Extension</a> <a href="/IN_Corn/">Indiana Corn Growers Association</a>