Drug Monkey
“Simply put, they are out of their minds.” -Kamala Harris
ID: 26589498
https://drugmonkey.scientopia.org 25-03-2009 20:58:31
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Not every experiment needs an optimized protocol. Some can be approached with a more flexible, freestyle method PostdocVoice PhD Voice - Independently Run
Drug Monkey Dr. Rebecca Burdine - (Black lives matter!) I think it is a finer line. For example if this is something that a particular reviewer always does and it always has a negative consequence my preference is that reviewer does do best to read in that case and present as informed opinion. Not saying don’t ask questions. 1/
Drug Monkey Dr Becca, PhD 🐘 You should be talking for about 4 minutes. If it's 10 minutes in and you're still talking it's too long. 😉
Drug Monkey Dr Becca, PhD 🐘 I honestly think shorter is better. Give the other reviewers some room. You can always provide more context in the subsequent discussion.
Drug Monkey Is it the elevated plus maze? I'll see myself out 😀