Jon Lim (@drjonlim) 's Twitter Profile
Jon Lim


Medical Oncologist β€’ Postdoc @TurajlicLab β€’ #ImmunoOncology β€’ @myESMO #TranslationalResearch Faculty, #ESMORTF, #ESMOLGP '23-24, @OncMedEdCoP #Mentorship β€’ 🎾

ID: 1424674381

link calendar_today13-05-2013 05:09:41

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Jon Lim (@drjonlim) 's Twitter Profile Photo

πŸ’« A truly transformative weekend reflecting deeply at the ESMO Leaders Generation Programme - Class of 2023-2024. Wonderful to feel connected and inspired, as we continue to strive towards our respective vision and life goals. Thank you ESMO - Eur. Oncology for this unique opportunity! πŸ™

πŸ’« A truly transformative weekend reflecting deeply at the ESMO Leaders Generation Programme - Class of 2023-2024. Wonderful to feel connected and inspired, as we continue to strive towards our respective vision and life goals. 

Thank you <a href="/myESMO/">ESMO - Eur. Oncology</a> for this unique opportunity! πŸ™