Prof. Charlotte Baker (@drcabaker) 's Twitter Profile
Prof. Charlotte Baker


Professor of French and Critical Disability Studies & FASS Associate Dean for Engagement, Lancaster University. Leads the Disability Inclusion Africa Network.

ID: 1513670443

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Prof. Charlotte Baker (@drcabaker) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our workshop in Yaounde, Cameroon launched yesterday, led by Professor Emelda Samba. It brings together disabled persons and healthcare practitioners to explore disability inclusion through applied theatre and creative writing Université de Yaoundé 1/The University of Yaoundé1 Disability Inclusion Africa network Arts and Humanities Research Council Lancaster University

Our workshop in Yaounde, Cameroon launched yesterday, led by Professor Emelda Samba. It brings together disabled persons and healthcare practitioners to explore disability inclusion through applied theatre and creative writing <a href="/NgoaEkelle/">Université de Yaoundé 1/The University of Yaoundé1</a> <a href="/TheDIANetwork/">Disability Inclusion Africa network</a> <a href="/ahrcpress/">Arts and Humanities Research Council</a> <a href="/LancasterUni/">Lancaster University</a>