Westby Fisher, MD
Cardiac Electrophysiologist, Endeavor Health HealthSystem, Clinical Assoc Prof of Medicine, U of Chicago. Tweets are never medical advice.
ID: 22091213
http://drwes.blogspot.com 27-02-2009 01:28:08
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Here's the antitrust underbelly of #MOC , courtesy of Meg Edison MD. Fail to pay for MOC (but do all the studying) and you are not only disaffiliated from BCBS, but they then engage in patient care and send a letter directly to your pts saying you are out. American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) ABMS

What Richard Baron and American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) never mentioned in his podcast with Aaron Goodman - “Papa Heme” chadi nabhan MD, MBA, FACP : His relationship with the PR firm Weber Shandwick disinformationchronicle.substack.com/p/pharmas-pr-f… This is #MOC thing is getting ridiculous.

As Westby Fisher, MD pointed out, the ABIM can take money from any corporate entity, per their own bylaws. Bylaws also state that any info they disclose will be kept confidential amongst their own leadership. So these medical boards can scoop up corporate 💵💵💵and not report. That is

Marion E Mass, M.D. #patientsfirst #scrubsnotsuits Westby Fisher, MD chadi nabhan MD, MBA, FACP Aaron Goodman - “Papa Heme” PA Medical Society Dr. Neal Dunn Allison Dupont, MD Marty Makary MD, MPH Molly Rutherford, MD Association of American Physicians & Surgeons Free2Care American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) ABMS I agree with Marion E Mass, M.D. #patientsfirst #scrubsnotsuits and feel the same way about her. It is sad that most physicians are too beaten down to give a damn.

Doctor Elle Westby Fisher, MD chadi nabhan MD, MBA, FACP Aaron Goodman - “Papa Heme” PA Medical Society Dr. Neal Dunn Allison Dupont, MD Marty Makary MD, MPH Molly Rutherford, MD Association of American Physicians & Surgeons Free2Care American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) ABMS I find that physicians that do care lift me up when I’m feeling down about the state of medicine. I remember watching uour incredible presentation from a DPC conference. So inspiring youtu.be/4cv9SoDR75g?si…

Thanks to their spinoff orgs, American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) ABIM Foundation and ABMS , feeling a bit of schadenfreude right now 👇

History repeats 👇 American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) marketing “exceptionally qualified” label to naive international grads. U.S. physicians had “limited and declining” acceptance of their schemes long ago. Buyer beware. medtees.com/content/Glasso…

Frank George Part of the ‘business’ is our own medical boards. They created a 💵-making racket called MOC that has NO EVIDENCE of improving patient care. Yet they work together ( see pic, creds to National Board of Physicians and Surgeons) with all the arms of organized medicine, extracting earnings from the workforce,

Westby Fisher, MD A really expensive and crappy CME product we are forced to buy every year, forced to answer their woefully out-of-date quarterly Qs in 5 mins (hope a patient care issue doesn’t arise)…you fail to pay or forget to do the Q? Too bad, you lose cert & your ability to see pts.

Sartorial Son Westby Fisher, MD Yep. This spring will be 10 years w/ NBPAS Advocacy Unfortunately BCBSM will swiftly remove physicians for not buying ABMS & will send letters to your patients saying they have to find a new doc. No idea how they get away w/this, no other insurer does this.

chadi nabhan MD, MBA, FACP Vincent Rajkumar Westby Fisher, MD Shaalan Beg MD MBA FASCO Aaron Goodman - “Papa Heme” Rafael Fonseca MD 🦔🇺🇸🏜🇲🇽 Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO I think your next book should be on why doctors don't need MOC and surveys and how it doesn't help patient care. In no way does it advance medicine nor outcomes of patients. The lay public, especially decision-makers, need to understand this #DoctorsVoice

My doctor sees me in her office, is licensed to practice medicine in the state of #Texas, and based on all that, she wrote me a prescription. Cigna Healthcare said no. #CIGNA is not my physician, their staff NEVER SAW ME, NEVER TREATED ME. They have no business writing my prescriptions.