Dr. Theanne Griffith 🇧🇧👩🏾‍🔬🇭🇷 (@doctheagrif) 's Twitter Profile
Dr. Theanne Griffith 🇧🇧👩🏾‍🔬🇭🇷


Asst. Prof @UCDavis 👩🏾‍🔬Somatosensation | Electrophysiology, Award-winning Children’s Book Author 📚 @netflixfamily @randomhousekids @abramskids she/her

ID: 895004467757756417

linkhttp://www.thegriffithresearchgroup.com calendar_today08-08-2017 19:31:08

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Dr. Theanne Griffith 🇧🇧👩🏾‍🔬🇭🇷 (@doctheagrif) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I had so much fun speaking with Angie Voyles Askham of The Transmitter about writing science-themed kids books, especially since the final installation of The Magnificent Makers (#9: Rolling throughly the Rock Cycle) hit stores today. What a journey 💜📚🔬thetransmitter.org/craft-and-care…