Dirt Cheap Chicken (@dirtcheapchickn) 's Twitter Profile
Dirt Cheap Chicken


SpokesChicken for Dirt Cheap by day. Fun loving fowl and original party poultry by night. Please be 21 to follow.

ID: 80752665

linkhttp://dirtcheapfunfun.com calendar_today08-10-2009 03:14:54

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Dirt Cheap Chicken (@dirtcheapchickn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Going floating this weekend? Our 50 mLs are the PERFECT compliment to your fun! Bonus - lots of them are just 99¢ each. #50mLs #CheapAndConvenient #FunFun #PlasticNotGlass

Going floating this weekend? Our 50 mLs are the PERFECT compliment to your fun! Bonus - lots of them are just 99¢ each. #50mLs #CheapAndConvenient #FunFun #PlasticNotGlass