David Arons
CEO @NBTStweets.
Tweets=my own. RT≠endorsement.
ID: 16878520
http://braintumor.org 21-10-2008 01:10:42
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Pleased to share the launch of National Brain Tumor Society new campaign, #MyTumorID, aimed at educating and empowering patients and their care partners about biomarker testing and clinical trials. Sign up & join us today: MyTumorID.org
So grateful to Dr. Gilbert for his public service as Chief of the Neuro-Oncology Branch @NIHbraintumor, National Cancer Institute He has brought leadership & rigor to science, always spoken up for patient quality of life & has generously educated & helped us in the patient advocacy community.
It was an honor to stand with MA State Sen Crighton, Rep. Jessica Giannino & fellow legislators as they delivered a powerful message that they stand together with the National Brain Tumor Society community to reach the goal of cures and with partners Mass General Cancer Center & Dana-Farber #BTAM
A big shout out to all the teams and sponsors for today's #NorCalBTWalk appreciate all that you are doing to deliver community and achieve breakthroughs ahead! Appreciate all the leadership of our National Brain Tumor Society event volunteers and Board members there today
Join the brain tumor community at a Fundraise Your Way event happening in your area! Scroll to see what’s coming up ➡️ Don’t see an event local to you? Stay tuned for more events coming up or reach out to start your own event today at [email protected]
Let’s keep up the momentum to raise the priority level of curing brain tumors on Congress’ priority list - join National Brain Tumor Society on Sept 10 and register today
Hope you join National Brain Tumor Society to build support for federal investment in brain tumor research on Sept 10. Sign up today! #BTSM
Great to see this latest news from Renee D. Wegrzyn and thanks to support from President Biden and #cancermoonshot Hope these projects improve surgery for patients with CNS tumors.
As part of our #MyTumorID campaign, we spoke with Keith Ligon, MD, PhD, who is the Chief of Neuropathology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, to help you better understand #pathology and #biomarkertesting: braintumor.org/news/qa-with-a…
Let's dial up action, philanthropy, advocacy and all efforts to make a difference this month to achieve breakthroughs against pediatric brain tumors! Join National Brain Tumor Society - as one community we can make change.
A huge congrats to Edjah Nduom, MD (he/him)! Of course what's behind this is a lot of hard work and leadership, innovation in science, and constant dedication to patients diagnosed with brain tumors. Here's to National Brain Tumor Society Chair of the Board on his new Professorship.