Takis Benos
ID: 1056665625324597248
28-10-2018 21:54:51
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Two new studies highlight the importance of the gut microbiome for response of cancer immunotherapy Probiotic for renal cell carcinoma nature.com/articles/s4159… Largest metagenomic study, in advanced melanoma nature.com/articles/s4159… Nature Medicine

This is amazing! I just found out that FLORIDA offers free subscription to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal to its employees. I don't know who else does so, but I wish all universities make these subscriptions standard, like the science journal subscriptions. #education #journalism

Big congrats to former lab member, Dr. Kristina Buschur, for today's publication. Kristina used causal graphs to identify COPD subtypes from blood RNA-seq, which differ in disease severity and mortality. Thanks to our collaborators and #NIH #NHLBI respiratory-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11…

Very excited to see our paper on lung fibroblasts in #IPF published in #Respiratory Research. This paper describes the changes in fibroblast when transition from normal to profibrotic state. Congratulations to Minxue Jia, who led this work. #NHLBI #UF respiratory-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11…

This is just up at the AJRCCM. How #COPD predictive equations on spirometry measurements affect disease categorization for non-white populations? Congrats to Liz Regan who led the study and very happy that Robert Gregg and I participated in it. #NHLBI atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.116…

Very proud for our Tyler Lovelace for his first co-author publication in #BMCMedicine. This is a collaboration with Yoel Sadovsky lab. Congratulations Tyler! #cpcb #UF #NLM bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11…

Our aging paper on the healthy lung single cell transcriptomics is finally out in Aging Cell ! Congrats to our Minxue Jia (1st author) and many thanks to collaborators (Drs Rojas, Mora, Lafyatis) onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…