Lori Hoagland
Professor & Co-Director Arequipa NEXUS Institute, Purdue University. Studying beneficial plant-soil-microbial relationships for small farm sustainability.
ID: 1473427020
https://www.purdue.edu/hla/sites/hoaglandlab/ 01-06-2013 00:44:58
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Members of “Programa Arqueológico del Valle de Cañete” (PAVaC). Sampling approx 83k ha of central Peruvian Cañete landscape via pedestrian survey, drones, GPS/GNSS, & machine learning. Providing technical training to UG & grad students + local community Purdue Anthropology ROSETTA Remote Sensing Purdue Liberal Arts

This new video highlights water related projects associated with the Arequipa NEXUS Institute. Arequipa Nexus Institute UNSA Arequipa Purdue Ag Econ youtu.be/niYoH3igr6Y

Excited to announce that I will be joining Purdue Agriculture as an Assistant Professor in Agroecology starting fall 2022!

Had a great chat with ASM Ashley Hagen on Meet the Microbiologist asm.org/Podcasts/MTM/E… about my research Institute of Arctic Biology Alaska INBRE UA Fairbanks

Does reducing tillage always improve soil health?? Short answer: it really depends!! It depends on what parameters you measure, and it also depends on other co-adapting practices of the system. Check out our latest pub from Rodale Institute. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…