European Association of Neuro-oncology, multidisciplinary society, Clinical Trials, Research, Education #EANO2024 #btsm #neurooncology #braintumor #Cancer
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http://www.eano.eu 31-03-2017 08:41:37
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Translating the theranostic concept to neuro-oncology: sciencedirect.com/science/articl⊠SSTR2 PETâCT scan in a gr 2 meningioma, recurring after surgical resection and RT; trials with radioligands are on the way EORTC Nathalie Albert Max Niyazi EANO Maximilian Mair Nuclear Medicine and Neurooncology (NMN)

#HappyBirthdayEANO â Warm wishes for a milestone birthday from our Nurses & Allied Health Care Professionals Committee. Watch the message from Karin Piil, Dr Florien Boele, and other NAC members bit.ly/4cLaStR #EANO30 #NeuroOncology #AHP #cancernurse #multidisciplinary đ

đNEW cIMPACT GUIDELINE provides clear recâs on harmonized molecularđ§Źgrading, settles controversies after WHO CNS5, đšand: 1p loss for grading. Pleasure&privilege to jointly coordinate this with Arie Perry from UC San Francisco academic.oup.com/neuro-oncologyâŠ

In der Krebsforschung verzeichnet man derzeit laufend Erfolge. Man profitiere dabei auch davon, dass in den vergangenen Jahren viele Ressourcen in die Entwicklung von mRNA-Impfstoffen geflossen, erklÀrt Onkologe Matthias Preusser (MedUni Wien) im #ORFIIIaktuell-Interview.

Happy to share our #EANO guide for early career professionals on Chairing Scientific Sessions at International #NeuroOncology Meetings. doi.org/10.1093/nop/np⊠#EANO2024 Jan-Michael Werner George Petrescu Dr Florien Boele Michael Platten đȘđș Prof Susan Short Anthony Chalmers đ Karin Piil