David Adler
Co-General Coordinator of the @ProgIntl
ID: 3141702094
http://davidrkadler.info 06-04-2015 19:32:31
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996 Following

Alex Hochuli 🇰🇬🇲🇭🇰🇮🇸🇨🇲🇿
Modernist | Host @BungaCast | Co-author, The End of the End of History: bungacast.com/book | Editorial group, @damagemag
Carlos Brown
El Leslie Knope de la justicia fiscal | senior fellow @AFSEE_LSE | hago la @revfiscal | catador de chilaquiles | él 🏳️🌈🍉
Doug Henwood
Journalist/radio host. “Effete ‘sound money’ Marxist." “Risible footsoldier for the ownership class.” “Utter zero.” “Stalinist schoolyard bully!”
Elvis Buñuelo
Some people can't be told, you know. They have to learn the hard way.
Elise Wouters
writing the self on analogue film. work in @huckmagazine @pshares @vogue & BLUEPRINTS – on longing, photography & solitude: elisewouters.substack.com
Luis M. Valle
Olanchano | Director y Fundador Revista @DescubreOlancho
Jennine K
takes my own. 🤠 daughter of palestinian refugees
James B
Everything for everyone・nothing human is alien to me・contributing editor @LRB・co-founded @novaramedia・radical homo
Logan Graham
make things radically good 🌎
Lizbeth Guerrero
Sanadora de mi propia historia/ Habitante de Abya Yala 🌸 🍃 🌿 🌱 lahoja.hn artetribu.com
Benjamin Fogel
Lost South African. Contributing editor @jacobin. Head of Publishing at @alamedainst
New Left EViews
Economist, writer etc • int'l & european political economy/finance, economic history, geoeconomics, climate • read/write about institutions, crisis, stagnation.
Daniela Gabor
Professor of Economics/MacroFinance. Critical macrofinance, central banks, repos, shadow banking, WallStreetConsensus goo.gl/Gqbtll criticalfinance.org
The author, Séamas O'Reilly
Former drinks-dispenser to Mary McAleese. Get Did Ye Hear Mammy Died? now at mammybook.com
Chris Murray MP
Scottish Labour MP for Edinburgh East and Musselburgh
Carlos Estrada 🇭🇳
#RRII Casa Presidencial / Ex viceministro de Comunicaciones 🇭🇳 /Ciencia Política #UBA / Gerencia Politica #UDESA🇦🇷 / Fundador labgipp.com
Patrick Bigger
Research Director @cpluscp. Political economy & ecological crisis. Anti-fascist always.
Gina Jaimes Abril
Mujer, Mamá de Martín, gestora, Actriz, directora, artista,comunera, defensora #PazTotal. TW PERSONALES. #SoyPacto 🔥madre cuidadora #SíndromeCardioFacioCutáneo
John Early
Pre-order my comedy album!!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Valeria Silva Guzmán
Boliviana y latinoamericana. Historia, política, feminismo. Leer y escribir. Amancaya es la alegría. Fui diputada por el MAS. 🔗Mi más reciente columna
Christopher Glazek
Magazine writer, also finance. NYT, The New Yorker, Esquire, N+1, Artforum. Founder, Yale AIDS Memorial Project. [email protected]
Vanessa Romero Rocha
Abogada por la @ELD_oficial y @UCL | Los jueves en #EsLaHoraDeOpinar | Cada semana en @elpaismexico y cada 15 días en @Reforma
Fiona Dove
Executive Director Transnational Institute. My tweets are my own and do not necessarily represent the official position of @tninstitute
Daniel Denvir
Host Jacobin's @thedigradio podcast. Author of All-American Nativism from @versobooks. Organizing for housing justice @reclaimri.
Marxist koheisaito at gmail.com
Quinn Slobodian
Books: GLOBALISTS, CRACK-UP CAPITALISM. HAYEK'S BASTARDS in 2025. Currently writing about the history of the human animal.
David Broder
Historian, translator, Europe editor @jacobin. My latest book is ‘Mussolini’s Grandchildren: Fascism in Contemporary Italy’
Paweł Wargan
Free Palestine.🔻
Lea Ypi
Professor @LSEnews from 🇦🇱 in orderly transition to @leaypi.bsky.social
David Fishman
China power - econ & policy analysis for RE, nuclear, coal, markets, grid. 12-yr migrant, currently SH Rural development enthusiast @HopkinsNanjing @LantauGroup
Ana Guízar V.
Vocera de la Dra. Claudia Sheinbaum | Sonorense en CDMX | Pdta. Nacional de Jóvenes por la Transformación | Feminista, política y con el corazón a la izquierda.
Manolo De Los Santos
@peoplesforumnyc @Tri_continental @peoplesassembl_ @1804Books
South Centre
The intergovernmental organization of #developingcountries that helps developing countries to promote their common interests in the international arena.
Ministro de Finanzas @SEFINHN / Gobierno de @XiomaraCastroZ / Master en Políticas Públicas @UniOfOxford / Docente Universitario
Oxford TMCD
Based in the University of Oxford, we conduct & promote research on technology & management in and for developing countries. RT≠Endorsements
Aleksandar Matković
A Yugoslav. Working @Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade. PhD @ZrcSazu. Former visiting scholar @HumboldtUni. Publishing on economics & Marxist education.
Jostein Hauge
Assistant Professor at the University of Cambridge • Author of THE FUTURE OF THE FACTORY • Political economy and development economics • @Dept_of_POLIS
gimme your fingernails!
Rosa Pérez Masdeu
Periodista a @France24_es, Bogotà. Codirectora de @colissuspectdoc (2019) i Panrico Panpobre (2014)
Tim Gill
Associate Professor of Sociology | Director of Global Studies | Contributing Writer: @clereviewbooks | Band: @modelmartelcle
yung hegelian
organizing for union democracy w/ @EW4Democracy, formerly @TeamsterRnF • @ c.a.i.t.l.y.n on tiktok • bylines: @labornotes @jacobin @moreperfectUS
Albert Pinto
Defiant, Dispirited, Despondent. Without illusions but not disillusioned. Focus on Climate, Inequality, Development. Twitter threads turn into Polycrisis essays
Ndongo Samba Sylla/nssylla.bsky.social
Ndongo Samba Sylla is a Senegalese development economist. Interested in Fair Trade, labour markets, social movements, democratic theory, monetary sovereignty.
Lorna Finlayson

Séamus Malekafzali
Journalist/writer. Writing on the Middle East at seamus-malekafzali.com. Bylines in @thebafflermag, @thenation, @proteanmag. 📧: [email protected]
Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇸🇺🇦🇹🇼
I support liberal democracy and oppose fascism, communism and jihadism. Anti-totalitarian left
pablo monroy conesa
Director General para América del Sur |🧣Navegando ríos profundos, selvas y salares, cordilleras, águas de março y senderos de piedra antigua | @SRE_mx 🇲🇽
Marl Karx
Typos increase 300% after 8pm.
red philly
he / him, co-chair of @phillycpusa @communistsusa
Alex Colston
studying clinical psychology | freelance book editor | co-director @psychosocialFo1 | deputy editor @parapraxis_mag
Progressive International
We unite, organize, and mobilize progressive forces. Join us.
Volodymyr Ishchenko
OEI, FU Berlin. Revolutions, left&right, violence, civil society, nationalism in Ukraine and beyond. Book: Towards the Abyss, Verso. rb.gy/s5otx
Ana Pimentel
Deputada federal. Minas! 🔺 PT ⭐
always waiting 天下大乱,形势大好
Public Banking Project
A project dedicated to the critical study and advocacy of public banks functioning democratically in the public interest. @Thomas_Marois
La Línea
El Perú, tal como tú lo ves 🇵🇪 Comunicacion popular e independiente 🎥
Drop Site
Independent news on politics and war
Eyup Lovely
Verified New Left Citizen Journalist focused on fostering political dialogue and respectful analysis. Love life, hate bullies, hoping to make a difference.
The Break Down
📺 Examining capitalism in climate & ecological crisis. Interviews, essays + more. 🌎 Hosted by @cmmonwealth
Comité internacional por la libertad de Jorge Glas

Democracy in Europe Movement 2025. Europe will be democratised, once the oligarchy is overthrown. linktr.ee/diem25.org
Sopo Japaridze
Old school socialist. Unionist (Union thug). Listen to our podcast Reimagining Soviet Georgia @reimaginingg anchor.fm/sovietgeorgia
Lucía Cholakian Herrera
periodista. stringer @nytimes, argentina y latam @restofworld. [email protected]
Srećko Horvat
with Sisyphean enthusiasm, building a school in the Adriatic
Anton Jäger
Historian of political thought | Lecturer @UnivOxford | Works on populism etc. Usual disclaimers.
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. Working on a PhD in history at Temple University. Study Central and Eastern Europe with an emphasis on Czechoslovakia
Lydia Marsden (she/her)
research fellow @IIPP_UCL on green central banking and sustainable finance | prev @ShareAction @c40cities
Politics Theory Other
A podcast on radical politics, critical theory, and history. Hosted by @redandinexpert | Listen: patreon.com/poltheoryother
Sasi Alejandre
De México a Euskal Herria a Madrid. En @CanalRed_TV Escribo en @naiz_iritzia @jacobinLat @diario_red_ Colaboradora del @FCEMexico