@DanGilonCardio (@dangiloncardio) 's Twitter Profile


ID: 1039533707277885446

calendar_today11-09-2018 15:18:44

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65 Following

Malissa Wood (@drmalissawood) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to WomenHeart and my #Shero nominators Sharonne Hayes MD Minnow Walsh, MD, MACC Jennifer H. Mieres, MD , FACC, MASNC, FAHA for nominating and selecting me to receive the 2023 Wenger Award for Excellence in Medical Leadership. Am beyond grateful for their mentorship, friendship and collective wisdom!

Thank you to <a href="/WomenHeartOrg/">WomenHeart</a> and my #Shero nominators <a href="/SharonneHayes/">Sharonne Hayes MD</a> <a href="/MinnowWalsh/">Minnow Walsh, MD, MACC</a> <a href="/DrJMieres/">Jennifer H. Mieres, MD , FACC, MASNC, FAHA</a> for nominating and selecting me to receive the 2023 Wenger Award for Excellence in Medical Leadership. Am beyond grateful for their mentorship, friendship and collective wisdom!
Han Zhu (@hanzhumd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to share this preprint. Serial, routine troponin-I screening in 428 consecutive patients treated with immunotherapy at our center was correlated with lower rates of grade 4-5 cardiovascular adverse events without a change in oncologic time on tx medrxiv.org/content/10.110…

Han Zhu (@hanzhumd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Prashanth Venkatesh Thanks, Prashanth! That’s a great question. We are currently using the troponin in the context of the full clinical picture and symptoms to make treatment and management decisions, so we don’t have an absolute cutoff for holding Rx.

International Cardio-Oncology Society (@icosociety) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"🎙️ Exciting new episode alert! 🚨👂 Join us as Dr. Kathryn Ruddy , Professor of Oncology at Mayo Clinic , explores the cardiovascular-toxicities of novel cancer therapies. Listen now: tinyurl.com/3w4jy783 🎧 #CardioOnc #Cardiotwitter #Cardiology

"🎙️ Exciting new episode alert! 🚨👂 Join us as Dr. <a href="/KathrynRuddyMD/">Kathryn Ruddy</a> , Professor of Oncology at <a href="/MayoClinic/">Mayo Clinic</a> , explores the cardiovascular-toxicities of novel cancer therapies. Listen now: tinyurl.com/3w4jy783 🎧 #CardioOnc #Cardiotwitter #Cardiology
International Cardio-Oncology Society (@icosociety) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌏 IC-OS Around The World Congrats to Doan Ngo and Aaron Sverdlov, leaders in our Australia Chapter, along with their team who were recognized in the Newcastle Herald for their work on advancing #cardiooncology care and research at Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI). Read the full article:

🌏 IC-OS Around The World

Congrats to <a href="/DoanNgo4/">Doan Ngo</a> and <a href="/SverdlovAaron/">Aaron Sverdlov</a>, leaders in our Australia Chapter, along with their team who were recognized in the Newcastle Herald for their work on advancing #cardiooncology care and research at <a href="/HMRIAustralia/">Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI)</a>.

Read the full article:
Stefi Vargas (@stefivargasa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Extremely happy to share our latest work from the Eric N. Olson lab! We show that the immunosuppressive PD-1/PD-L1 pathway is active in neonatal mouse hearts and required for regeneration 🫀Huge thanks to co-author Miao Cui and all other authors! nature.com/articles/s4416…

Extremely happy to share our latest work from the
<a href="/Transactivator/">Eric N. Olson</a> lab! We show that the immunosuppressive PD-1/PD-L1 pathway is active in neonatal mouse hearts and required for regeneration 🫀Huge thanks to co-author <a href="/MiaoCui_713/">Miao Cui</a> and all other authors! nature.com/articles/s4416…
DrJE-Salem (@drjesalem) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Generally, less cardiovascular events reported in patients with B-cell malignancies treated with zanubrutinib vs. ibrutinib (except for hypertension) Javid Moslehi ashpublications.org/bloodadvances/…

DrJE-Salem (@drjesalem) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Off press👇Last decade evolution of immune checkpoint inhibitors toxicities reported worldwide with evolution of risk factors, and outcomes. Myotoxicities (myocarditis, myositis mimicking myasthenia gravis) are strinkingly overlapping. Javid Moslehi sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Off press👇Last decade evolution of immune checkpoint inhibitors toxicities reported worldwide with evolution of risk factors, and outcomes. Myotoxicities (myocarditis, myositis mimicking myasthenia gravis) are strinkingly overlapping.
<a href="/CardioOncology/">Javid Moslehi</a> sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Javid Moslehi (@cardiooncology) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another masterpiece by DrJE-Salem & team. Full spectrum of irAE w/ ICI treatment! New insights w/ myocarditis, myositis, MG (overlap syndrome). Shortest duration from initial exposure (31-33 days) & highest mortality (27.6%) The Lancet eClinicalMedicine – The Lancet Discovery Science thelancet.com/journals/eclin…

Ronald Witteles (@ron_witteles) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wow!!! 🤯 New #ImpactFactor release and another record for JACC Journals JACC: CardioOncology! < 5 years old and already the #9 Cardiology journal in the 🌎 and #2 #JACC subjournal. Amazing leadership from #BonnieKy! 🙂 SaroArmenian Ninian Lang dineshpmcc The Penn Thalheimer Center for Cardio-Oncology

Wow!!! 🤯 New #ImpactFactor release and another record for <a href="/JACCJournals/">JACC Journals</a> JACC: CardioOncology! &lt; 5 years old and already the #9 Cardiology journal in the 🌎 and #2 #JACC subjournal. Amazing leadership from #BonnieKy! 🙂 <a href="/ArmenianSaro/">SaroArmenian</a> <a href="/ninianlang/">Ninian Lang</a> <a href="/dineshpmcc1/">dineshpmcc</a> <a href="/PennThalheimer/">The Penn Thalheimer Center for Cardio-Oncology</a>
Kim Eagle (@keaglemd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today, in Tromso Norway, the IRAD Investigators will celebrate the 28th year of our scientific registry. We are the voice of 15,000 patients and 60 aortic centers striving to discover better solutions to aortic dissection: prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Life is precious.

Today, in Tromso Norway, the IRAD Investigators will celebrate the 28th year of our scientific registry.  We are the voice of 15,000 patients and 60 aortic centers striving to discover better solutions to aortic dissection: prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Life is precious.