Dana Cohen Lissman
ID: 1221966685432713216
28-01-2020 01:22:42
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Thank you Oregon City Schools for inviting us to share ISLA at the Oregon City School District Educational Equity Conference! We loved getting the opportunity to co-present with our dedicated collaborators and highlight the great work being done at Gardiner and Tumwata Middle Schools.

📢This Friday at 6pm, scientists and practitioners from Friendslanecounty University of Oregon College of Education and OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital will come together with community members for a talk on childhood trauma and healing. RSVP: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI…

💥STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Meet the remarkable Dana Cohen Lissman, 5th year PhD student in @UOSPED, who is exploring how diversity, justice, equity & inclusion initiatives can be included in BCBA guidelines. Dana is on the job market and we are so excited to see how she changes the world!

Beyond deserving, congratulations to our incredible colleague and friend, Angus Kittelman! Mizzou Education & Human Development you've got one brilliant scholar joining your ranks in the Fall! 💚💛(RN)

Glass ceiling broke today! Laura Lee McIntyre first woman as permanent Dean of our College of Education. Looking forward to the continued leadership Dean McIntyre!! University of Oregon College of Education Dean

We're building strong Fall 2023 cohort for our Online Master's in ABA University of Oregon, but there is still time to apply! We have 8K scholarship to recruit exceptional applicant who is a person of color. Deadline May 12th. education.uoregon.edu/aba #behaviortwitter

Help out Rachel Santiago, PhD and contribute to improvement of mentoring experiences.

💥FACULTY SPOTLIGHT: Meet the incredible Dr. Leilani Sabzillian (Alutiiq) Dr. Leilani Sabzalian! She is an Assistant Professor of Indigenous Studies in Education and Co-Director of the Sapsik’ʷałá Program at the University of Oregon. To find out more, see below!

Join us as we dive into a thought-provoking conversation about rethinking school discipline with Rhonda Nese, an assistant professor at University of Oregon College of Education. We explore implicit bias, alternatives to suspension, how parents can advocate, and more. Listen here: ow.ly/1Mg550OHVnT 🎧

Congratulations to Philip H. Knight Chair Kent McIntosh, Kent McIntosh, who received the The Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Research Award from the The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation (OVPRI). research.uoregon.edu/about/announce…

Successfully defended 💜thank you to my committee Dr. Wendy Machalicek The Nese Lab members, family and friends

During repeated COViD surges when my kid & Dana Cohen Lissman 3 kids were home schooling there were moments when I wasn't sure how we would get thru. But we came together & out the other side! Dana rocked her dissertation study and I was so proud to be her chair.

Talking with Dr. Cody Morris, BCBA-D & Dr. Dana Cohen-Lissman, BCBA Dana Cohen Lissman about our BAP paper was a treat & a great nudge to keep up the work & look for more ways to integrate antiracist action into life to create habits. spotify.link/SgzS7OacgDb