G Curigliano MD PhD
Giuseppe Curigliano, MD, PhD, Professor at University of Milan and Head of Phase I Division at IEO, ESMO Open EiC, Tweets are my own
ID: 3310467977
http://www.esmo.org/Profiles/Giuseppe-Curigliano 06-06-2015 11:26:45
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A Randomized Trial of Intravenous Amino Acids for Kidney Protection | New England Journal of Medicine nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… Giovanni Landoni, MD Alberto Zangrillo Maria Grazia Calabrò, MD

💫Proud of learning from negative trials. “Induction avelumab followed by chemoimmunotherapy and maintenance vs chemo alone as f1st line therapy in cis-ineligible mUC (INDUCOMAIN): a randomized phase II study” is out⚡️#rodriguez-vida Bego PValderrama SOGUG Dana-Farber Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology Dana-Farber

Tumour-Agnostic Therapies: Shaping the Future of Precision Oncology OncoAlert #cancer #oncology #PrecisionMedicine @annals_oncology Vivek Subbiah, MD Diogo Martins Branco FabriceAndre G Curigliano MD PhD Razelle Kurzrock, MD Joaquin Mateo George Pentheroudakis Ben Westphalen ESMO - Eur. Oncology annalsofoncology.org/article/S0923-…

New in press: Comprehensive genomic profiling by liquid biopsy captures tumor heterogeneity and identifies cancer vulnerabilities in patients with RAS/BRAFV600E wild type metastatic colorectal cancer in the CAPRI 2-GOIM trial. Davide Ciardiello G Curigliano MD PhD doi.org/10.1016/j.anno…

Thrilled to welcome #ESMO2024 after a challenging year! A heartfelt thank you to the global medical oncology community for your unwavering support. Together, we’ll continue to advance the field and serve our global society with dedication and innovation ESMO - Eur. Oncology OncoDaily

Come on down ! The Barcelona Room is pretty full just minutes before the 2nd presidential session “practice changing trials” during #ESMO24 ESMO - Eur. Oncology G Curigliano MD PhD Petros Grivas Andres Cervantes Tom Powles Myriam Chalabi MarleenKokLab Kate Kronig

Fantastic atmosphere in Barcelona Presidential symposium with practice changing data including NIAGARA trial #bladdercancer ESMO - Eur. Oncology #ESMO24 #ESMOAmbassadors OncoAlert Uromigos Tom Powles Toni Choueiri, MD Myriam Chalabi MarleenKokLab G Curigliano MD PhD Kate Kronig Andres Cervantes Solange Peters

#ESMO2024 is a great opportunity to learn and network (with senior colleagues, peers and mentors), stay updated from the data presented and sightseeing of the beautiful Barcelona ( I am a staunch supporter of Real Madrid 😉) G Curigliano MD PhD Sara Tolaney Stephanie Graff, MD, FACP, FASCO Hope Rugo Omar Abdihamid

⭐️An amazing evening & ESMO - Eur. Oncology Presidential Dinner, Barcelona, Spain ESMO - Eur. Oncology #ESMO24 Aditya Bardia, MD Julie Gralow Ishwaria Subbiah, MD MS FASCO Lynn Schuchter Neelima Denduluri Ann Partridge MD, MPH #ESMOAmbassadors

Grande soddisfazione guidare la delegazione media italiana a #ESMO24 a Barcellona. Un grazie ai colleghi giornalisti per le centinaia di articoli pubblicati su i grandi lavori degli oncologi AIOM. ESMO - Eur. Oncology Francesco Perrone G Curigliano MD PhD Massimo Di Maio Ketta lorusso

I am always inspired after meeting G Curigliano MD PhD. I always wonder how he is able to manage so many responsibilities at the same time and still has the time to mentor the next generation of oncologists. Maybe Dario Trapani and Paolo Tarantino know better. I think G Curigliano MD PhD should teach a