Cristina Viéitez
#RyC Group leader @ibfg_es (@CSIC @USAL) .Fascinated about protein PTMs. Using yeast to tackle mysteries of life #NewPI. Alumni @EMBL, @IMSB_ETH & @UPFBarcelona
ID: 3290322857
https://sites.google.com/view/cristinavieitezlab/home 19-05-2015 17:53:02
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We're starting to recruit postdocs to work on this exciting ERC (now UKRI) project. Please get in touch if you would like to join us, or spread the word. #phosphatases #redox #Tcells Europe-SFRR The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine EMBO YIP

✅🍀 Estas en la lista de seleccionados provisionales RyC de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación ❓Trabajas en cáncer❓Te interesa trabajar en un centro de investigación que apuesta por talento joven❓Si has respondido con 3️⃣ síes, contacta con el @CICancer_com ‼️ Te esperamos ‼️

We open a PhD position in our lab UPF Medicine and Life Sciences , if you like exploring never studied #fungi, understanding #biophysical principles that rule the limits of life, you like fancy #microscopy...then apply, we are looking for you! (RT appreciated:-) upf.edu/documents/2869…

📢 CATCAT collaborates again with the Catalan Society of Biology Societat Catalana de Biologia for their 30th annual Meeting on cell and molecular biology! 📆 10 October 2024 🗒️ More info and registration: scb.iec.cat/xxx-jornada-de… 🔔 Deadline for abstracts submission: 18 September

Had a great time presenting our work at the nyc chromatin club Annual Symposium! Thank you Emily Bernstein Lab and the rest of the team for organizing 🙏🏼 #chromatin #epigenetics

Genetic evidence halves the odds of early clinical trial stoppage 🧬💊 Published today in Nature Genetics, Olesya Razuvayevskaya trained a machine learning classifier to analyse the free-text reasons explaining why 28,842 clinical trials stopped 3 key points: nature.com/articles/s4158…

We welcome Nan Chen Wei (Pepe), undergrad student Imperial College London joining ours and Alfonso Fernández Álvarez labs for a summer intership IBFG #Salamanca

📢We are thrilled to share the exciting news that that Cristina Viéitez, Cristina Viéitez, has received an European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant to pursue the project PTMtalk that aims to decipher the language that proteins use to communicate. #ERCStG #EUfunded