Twitter feed for the Northern Region. Keeping you up to date with local @ParamedicsUK information. facebook.com/COPNE
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http://www.collegeofparamedics.co.uk 05-06-2014 19:11:09
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Primary cause of #COPD is tobacco smoke #Paramedics are well placed to offer #smoking cessation advice #AHPhealthyconvos College of Paramedics #CPD

What are The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives's strategic priorities for 2015-16? Read about our National Programme at aace.org.uk/national-progrā¦ College of Paramedics #ambulance

How about giving our Scottish Colleagues new account a follow. CoP Scotland

NEAS Staff: BSc Programme Info Event/Mentor Update. Earls House. Thursday. 10-12. No need to book. Please drop in and see us! North East Ambulance Service

Delighted to see paramedics Scotty Munro @MarkMyers1210 yesterday to discuss their PhD projects Health Sciences Surrey

See if you can spot somebody you know in here. It shouldn't be too hard... North East Ambulance Service @NMAHP_NE x.com/thestrokeassocā¦

Prehospital legend. Thanks John, learned LOADS! & inspired a lot of us to learn more. @DocJohnHinds Simon Hamilton

Gosh. Number of trials per 10k deaths/ annum = 400 for MI, and only 6 for cardiac arrest according to American Heart Association ...we need more funds!

I think our colleagues from South Central Ambulance Service North East Ambulance Service Yorkshire Ambulance South Western Ambulance Service enjoyed Brighton āļøš #BrightonPride

In responce to Daily Mail Online article about Paramedic Prescribing, NHS England have released this statement. x.com/NHSEnglandMediā¦