Michael van Ginkel
Non-Traditional Security || Black Sea Security || Maritime Security
Doctoral Researcher in Law and Security ⚓
#GEOINT #marsec #OSINT #VNSA #TOC #greyzone
ID: 797483711096909824
https://blackseasconsultancy.mystrikingly.com/ 12-11-2016 16:58:28
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Creating long term #security and #prosperity in the #BlackSea, and the greater region, requires robust #MaritimeDomainAwareness. Many thanks to Dr. Barış Hasan, Tina Khidasheli, and Martin Sokolov for their insights on regional #MDA. kki.hu/black-sea-secu…

Had the opportunity to speak on #maritimesecurity in #georgia at Frontier Europe Initiative. Littoral countries play an integral part in bolstering #blacksea security at large. mei.edu/events/strateg…

As John Bradford points out, the #maritimedomain creates a unique #security determinant that needs to be better accounted for when addressing regional challenges

Enhanced #connectivity in the #BlackSea through high level #outreach like the example below noted by Ivane Abashidze is of paramount importance when it comes to increasing regional stability moving forward.

#Ukrainian partisan attacks continue to degrade #Russian capabilities as they attempt to consolidate control of seized territories. A useful interactive map by the Institute for the Study of War understandingwar.org/backgrounder/i…

New article on #seaport threat factors in #Georgia written for Frontier Europe Initiative. Taking a holistic approach to port security is an important step towards a creating a sustainable #MaritimeSecurity architecture in the #BlackSea. mei.edu/publications/s…

With the Houthis continued attacks on maritime targets, re-upping a project I produced with Stable Seas along with Meghan Curran Curtis Bell Jay Benson Tyler Lycan Michael van Ginkel

This article by Center for Maritime Strategy includes an astute assesment of the impact of the 2019 Mavi Vatan doctrine on Turkey's policy trajectory in the Black Sea. centerformaritimestrategy.org/publications/t…

Insightful visualization tool and assessment of maritime connectivity in the Indian Ocean by Nitya Labh, Jessica Greely, and Darshana M. Baruah. Providing an overview of how maritime factors interact is an extremely helpful tool for regional policy development. carnegieendowment.org/2023/06/15/map…

In the wake of #Ukrainian drone attacks on #Russian Vessels in the #BlackSea, how can naval vessels adapt to the new threat? Steven Wills from Center for Maritime Strategy provides insights into some operational developments. cepa.org/article/sea-dr…

Article by Aaron-Matthew Lariosa for the U.S. Naval Institute that highlights the recent initiatives taken by India when it comes contributing to #maritimesecurity in the #IndianOcean and beyond. news.usni.org/2024/03/18/ind…

Intersting article by Elisabeth Braw for Foreign Policy on the risks posed by #darkfleet vessels refusing pilotage. foreignpolicy.com/2024/03/26/rus…

Based on recent Ukrainian success against the Russian #blacksea fleet, Nathan Jennings foresees the reemergence of the fortress fleet concept. Modern War Institute. mwi.westpoint.edu/the-army-and-t…

Well done mapping and contexualization of the recent #redsea attacks against maritime trade routes by Hanna Duggal and Mohammed Haddad for @AJLabs. interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2024/mappi…