Computational & Systems Biology at Pitt
We encompass an interdisciplinary approach, harnessing the power of computational & systems-level analyses to solve critical biological problems.
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http://www.csb.pitt.edu/ 17-02-2017 12:54:39
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🎉New publication alert! anne-ruxandra carvun lab has published a study on de novo gene emergence using ancestral sequence reconstruction. Discover how this approach reveals insights into genomic evolution: tinyurl.com/3mxwkdue

🚨New publication from John Barton. Meet popDMS, a computational method using population genetics to analyze deep mutational scanning data. popDMS is perfect for complex datasets with multiple time points or conditions. tinyurl.com/3wvjzpr9

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Shikhar Uttam, who was awarded a grant from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to support his computational biology research. Read more about the grant: tinyurl.com/58vcv4dk