Randy Kaye (@coachkayeaz) 's Twitter Profile
Randy Kaye


Caught Up with Randy Kaye - husband, father, tata & coach. Engaging in enlightening video conversations with influential figures in the softball community.

ID: 2303192432

calendar_today21-01-2014 14:41:50

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Randy Kaye (@coachkayeaz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We’re headed to the Players Classic this weekend hosted by TC Fastpitch | Athletics Mercado Academy at Rosetta Canyon and BLD Perris πŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ”₯ #roguefckaye #evoarmy #tapin

We’re headed to the Players Classic this weekend hosted by <a href="/TCSFastpitch/">TC Fastpitch</a> | <a href="/MercadoAcademy/">Athletics Mercado Academy</a> at Rosetta Canyon and BLD Perris πŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ”₯
#roguefckaye #evoarmy #tapin