Chandre Goosen-Joubert (@chandregoosen) 's Twitter Profile
Chandre Goosen-Joubert


Designer. πŸ–Š Chandre & Co. πŸ‘— La Fiora. 🌹 PR/Bookings: [email protected]

ID: 1326198444206284800

calendar_today10-11-2020 16:22:30

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Chandre Goosen-Joubert (@chandregoosen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I think we can all agree that hair care is important whether we like it or not. KEVIN.MURPHYSA helps me achieve the exact #hairgoals I want and need! Their products are weightlessly designed to deliver performance, strength and longevity. πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ #chandreladyg #kevinmurphyhair

I think we can all agree that hair care is important whether we like it or not.

<a href="/KEVINMURPHYSA/">KEVIN.MURPHYSA</a> helps me achieve the exact #hairgoals I want and need! Their products are weightlessly designed to deliver performance, strength and longevity. πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

#chandreladyg #kevinmurphyhair