CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile


The Center for Biotechnology at Bielefeld University

ID: 776439062164975616

link calendar_today15-09-2016 15:14:32

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CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CeBiTec member Prof. Dr. Alexander Sczyrba has been appointed director of the new institute section "Computational Metagenomics" (IBG-5) of Forschungszentrum Jülich as a branch office at Bielefeld University. 👍💪…

CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

With great delight, we announce that Prof. Dr Shuji Akai (from Osaka University) will be giving a talk titled "How do synthetic organic chemists use lipases to synthesize valuable organic molecules?" in our CeBiTec colloquium. #biocatalysts #enzyme #Sustainability

With great delight, we announce that Prof. Dr Shuji Akai (from <a href="/osaka_univ_e/">Osaka University</a>) will be giving a talk titled "How do synthetic organic chemists use lipases to synthesize valuable organic molecules?" in our <a href="/CeBiTec/">CeBiTec</a> colloquium.
#biocatalysts #enzyme #Sustainability
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are delighted that Dr. Fabian Hausmann from UKE Hamburg will be giving a presentation titled "Improving cell type and marker gene detection with Deep Single Cell Expression ReconstructioN (DISCERN)" in our CeBiTec - Center for Biotechnology colloquium. #Bioinformatics

We are delighted that Dr. Fabian Hausmann from <a href="/UKEHamburg/">UKE Hamburg</a>  will be giving a presentation titled "Improving cell type and marker gene detection with Deep Single Cell Expression ReconstructioN (DISCERN)" in our CeBiTec - Center for Biotechnology colloquium.
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our new series of events "Early Career Female Scientist seminars"👩‍🔬starts on October 30 with the lecture "Acceleration of early-stage bioprocess development: Model-based strategies for automated microbial small-scale cultivations" by Annina Kemmer from@TUBerlin #Biotechnology

Our new series of events "Early Career Female Scientist seminars"👩‍🔬starts on October 30  with the lecture "Acceleration of early-stage bioprocess development: Model-based strategies for automated microbial small-scale cultivations" by Annina Kemmer from@TUBerlin
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The autumn issue 🍁🍂 of the CeBiTec-Quarterly is out now and available here 👇👇👇👇👇👇… Thanks a lot to all contributors🙏 #CancerResearch; #iGEM; #student labs; #biotech

The autumn issue 🍁🍂 of the CeBiTec-Quarterly is out now and available here 👇👇👇👇👇👇…
Thanks a lot to all contributors🙏
#CancerResearch; #iGEM; #student labs; #biotech
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CeBiTec is delighted 😊and already very excited about the presentation "What the genome does not tell - Searching for metabolic steps that are critical for phytohormone function" by Ivo Feussner, an internationally renowned lipid biochemist.🧑‍🔬🌱

<a href="/CeBiTec/">CeBiTec</a> is delighted 😊and already very excited about the presentation "What the genome does not tell - Searching for metabolic steps that are critical for phytohormone function" by <a href="/IFeussner/">Ivo Feussner</a>, an internationally renowned lipid biochemist.🧑‍🔬🌱
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congrats to CeBiTec Deputy Scientific Director Volker F. Wendisch, who has been newly elected to the Executive Board of the Cluster of Industrial Biotechnology (CLIB). See also personal news of Bielefeld University 👉…

Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology (@mpi_marburg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🥳 Happy and proud to announce📢 that Director Tobias Erb SYBORG has been awarded the #LeibnizPrize 🏆, the highest German research prize, for his groundbreaking and interdisciplinary work on #synbio pathways and #CO2 fixation! Congratulations Tobi! DFG public | @[email protected]

🥳 Happy and proud to announce📢 that Director Tobias Erb <a href="/erblabs/">SYBORG</a> has been awarded the #LeibnizPrize 🏆, the highest German research prize, for his groundbreaking and interdisciplinary work on #synbio pathways and #CO2 fixation! Congratulations Tobi! <a href="/dfg_public/">DFG public |</a>
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CeBiTec is looking forward 😊to the talk titled "High-throughput physiological studies of microbial strain libraries" to be given by Dr. Gerd Seibold from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in our CeBiTec colloquium. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

<a href="/CeBiTec/">CeBiTec</a> is looking forward 😊to the talk titled "High-throughput physiological studies of microbial strain libraries" to be given by Dr. Gerd Seibold from the Technical University of Denmark (<a href="/DTUtweet/">DTU</a>) in our CeBiTec colloquium.
Tobias Busche (@buschetobias) 's Twitter Profile Photo

PromethION 2 integrated (P2i) device landed Bielefeld University CeBiTec last w. before X-mas! Burn in exp. successfully performed! 2 LSK-114 libs on 2 fully loaded R10.4.1 FCs with live basecalling SUP - the P2i kept up!!! Great device Oxford Nanopore #nanopore #P2i #NGS #CoreFacility

PromethION 2 integrated (P2i) device landed <a href="/unibielefeld/">Bielefeld University</a> <a href="/CeBiTec/">CeBiTec</a> last w. before X-mas! Burn in exp. successfully performed!
2 LSK-114 libs on 2 fully loaded R10.4.1 FCs with live basecalling SUP - the P2i kept up!!! Great device <a href="/nanopore/">Oxford Nanopore</a> 
#nanopore #P2i #NGS #CoreFacility
Bielefeld University (@unibielefeld) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wie menschliche #Zellen #Q10 produzieren, war bisher nicht vollständig bekannt. Forschende vom CeBiTec der Bielefeld University entschlüsseln den fehlenden Schritt im Fachmagazin @molecularcell:…

Wie menschliche #Zellen #Q10 produzieren, war bisher nicht vollständig bekannt. Forschende vom <a href="/CeBiTec/">CeBiTec</a> der <a href="/unibielefeld/">Bielefeld University</a> entschlüsseln den fehlenden Schritt im Fachmagazin @molecularcell:…
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Quarterly winter issue available. This time with articles on "Promotion of young female scientists" 👩‍🔬, high-impact papers on "Biocatalysis" by the Stephan Hammer & Sewald Lab labs 🧪, a new bioinformatic method by the Schönhuth group 💻and a new teutolab workshop.

Quarterly winter issue available.  This time with articles on "Promotion of young female scientists" 👩‍🔬, high-impact papers on "Biocatalysis" by the <a href="/Stephan_Hammer/">Stephan Hammer</a> &amp; <a href="/Sewald_group/">Sewald Lab</a>  labs 🧪, a new bioinformatic method by the Schönhuth group 💻and a new teutolab workshop.
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CeBiTec is very much looking forward to the third lecture in our "Early Career Female Scientist Seminars" series which will be given by Carolin Mügge from Ruhr-Universität Bochum. #biotechnology #enzymes

<a href="/CeBiTec/">CeBiTec</a> is very much looking forward to the third lecture in our "Early Career Female Scientist Seminars" series which will be given by <a href="/CarolinMuegge/">Carolin Mügge</a> from <a href="/ruhrunibochum/">Ruhr-Universität Bochum</a>.
#biotechnology #enzymes
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CeBiTec is pleased😊to announce that Asst. Prof. Dr Fatma Gizem Avci 👩‍🔬from Üsküdar Üniversitesi will give a presentation in our CeBiTec colloquium on the topic "Strategies for the fight against antimicrobial drug resistance".🧫 #antibioticresistance 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

<a href="/CeBiTec/">CeBiTec</a> is pleased😊to announce that Asst. Prof. Dr Fatma Gizem Avci 👩‍🔬from <a href="/uskudaruni/">Üsküdar Üniversitesi</a> will give a presentation in our CeBiTec colloquium on the topic "Strategies for the fight against antimicrobial drug resistance".🧫
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The time has come! The spring 🌺🌻🌹🪻issue of the CeBiTec-Quarterly is available here:…

The time has come! The spring 🌺🌻🌹🪻issue of the CeBiTec-Quarterly is available here:…
CeBiTec (@cebitec) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The summer 🌴🌞🌻issue of the CeBiTec Quarterly is now available at the following link:…

The summer 🌴🌞🌻issue of the CeBiTec Quarterly is now available at the following link:…