The Center for Biotechnology at Bielefeld University
ID: 776439062164975616
http://www.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de 15-09-2016 15:14:32
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We are delighted that Dr. Fabian Hausmann from UKE Hamburg will be giving a presentation titled "Improving cell type and marker gene detection with Deep Single Cell Expression ReconstructioN (DISCERN)" in our CeBiTec - Center for Biotechnology colloquium. #Bioinformatics

PromethION 2 integrated (P2i) device landed Bielefeld University CeBiTec last w. before X-mas! Burn in exp. successfully performed! 2 LSK-114 libs on 2 fully loaded R10.4.1 FCs with live basecalling SUP - the P2i kept up!!! Great device Oxford Nanopore #nanopore #P2i #NGS #CoreFacility

Quarterly winter issue available. This time with articles on "Promotion of young female scientists" 👩🔬, high-impact papers on "Biocatalysis" by the Stephan Hammer & Sewald Lab labs 🧪, a new bioinformatic method by the Schönhuth group 💻and a new teutolab workshop.

CeBiTec is very much looking forward to the third lecture in our "Early Career Female Scientist Seminars" series which will be given by Carolin Mügge from Ruhr-Universität Bochum. #biotechnology #enzymes