Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative (@cabri_sbo) 's Twitter Profile
Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative


CABRI is an international organisation that provides a platform for peer-learning and exchange for African ministries of finance and planning.

ID: 1415168635

link calendar_today09-05-2013 10:16:13

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Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative (@cabri_sbo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

At the AFROPAC’s #PFM training for SADC’s PACs in Namibia today. Neil Cole, our Executive Secretary, delivered a presentation on PFM functions in a changing Africa and participants engaged in the ‘PFM Pursuit’, a board game created by CABRI. @NeilCole_CABRI

At the AFROPAC’s #PFM training for SADC’s PACs in Namibia today. Neil Cole, our Executive Secretary, delivered a presentation on PFM functions in a changing Africa and participants engaged in the ‘PFM Pursuit’, a board game created by CABRI. @NeilCole_CABRI