Deutsche Bundesbank
Die Deutsche Bundesbank ist die Zentralbank der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Zentrales Geschäftsfeld ist die Geldpolitik des Eurosystems.
ID: 784790730
http://www.bundesbank.de/impressum 27-08-2012 14:34:53
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The Wall Street Journal
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World Economic Forum
The international organization for public private cooperation. #wef24
Michael Steen
Just in case... @[email protected]. Views mine, not employer’s. German via Brexit, monetary policy geek via ECB; more details via that jobs site
VoxEU is a policy portal run by @cepr_org. It posts research based policy analysis from leading economists. Visit our development economics branch @vox_dev
The global association of the financial industry
Ab sofort twittert das Handelsblatt-Finanzteam nur noch unter ➡️ @hb_finanzen. Dieser Account wird in Kürze deaktiviert. Bleibt uns treu.
Hier zwitschert das Finanzteam von Handelsblatt.com. Wir bringen die Nachrichten aus der Banken- und Finanzwelt und die neuesten Trends an den Börsen.
FAZ Wirtschaft
Aktuelle Wirtschaftsnachrichten aus der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung. Impressum: faz.net/Impressum Datenschutz: faz.net/datenschutz
Wolfgang Proissl 🇪🇺🇺🇦
Director General Communications @ecb
The National Bureau of Economic Research is dedicated to conducting and disseminating nonpartisan economic research.
FT Economics
@financialtimes news and analysis about the global economy, including columns by Martin Wolf.
Institute for the Study of War
ISW is a policy research organization focused on U.S. national security. Email: [email protected]. For more: linktr.ee/understandingw…
European Central Bank
The European Central Bank is the central bank for Europe's single currency, the euro. Its main task is to maintain the euro's purchasing power.
Mārtiņš Kazāks
Governor of @LatvijasBanka | Member of the Governing Council of the @ecb - @LatvijasBanka prezidents | @ecb Padomes loceklis
Kristalina Georgieva
Managing Director of @IMFnews. Pragmatic optimist working to improve people’s lives, empower women, and create greener & more equitable economies.
Bank for International Settlements
Promoting global monetary & financial stability since 1930
Mark Carney
Public servant: @bankofcanada @bankofengland Climate finance reformer: @UN @COP26 Investor: @Brookfield Fanatic: @EdmontonOilers @Everton Author: Value(s)
omfif.org Videos/podcasts: omfif.org/ondemand Events: omfif.org/meetings Reports: omfif.org/analysis
Statistisches Bundesamt
Hier posten wir zu aktuellen Themen von Bevölkerung bis Wirtschaft. Auf Mastodon: social.bund.de/@destatis | Netiquette: destatis.de/netiquette
Jens Suedekum
Professor of International Economics @DICEHHU Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf @hhu_de — Advisory Board German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs @BMWK
Klaas Knot
🇳🇱 President van De Nederlandsche Bank | Governor @DNB_NL. 🌍 Voorzitter Financial Stability Board | Chair @FinStbBoard. I manage this account with my team.
Frank Elderson
🇪🇺Executive Board Member & Supervisory Board Vice-Chair @ecb, the central bank for the euro.
OECD ➡️ Bessere Politik für ein besseres Leben
Wissenswertes aus der OECD-Welt für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz.
David Marsh
Chairman @OMFIF - Expert on world-wide monetary and financial affairs, author of books on the Bundesbank, Germany and the euro.
Bundesministerium der Finanzen
Die Wachstumsinitiative - neue wirtschaftliche Dynamik für Deutschland. Jetzt.
Frankfurt Main Finance
Frankfurt Main Finance serves as the voice of the Financial Centre. Tweeting about #Finance, #Banking, #FinTech & #Frankfurt. Impressum: bit.ly/44quIrD
Vitor Constâncio
Former ECB Vice President. President of the Council of ISEG, University of Lisbon. Professor at Navarra University, Masters School, Madrid
ECON Committee Press
European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Subcommittee on Tax Matters. Managed by Dorota Kolinska & John Schranz. RTs ≠ endorsement.
J.P. Morgan
Official account for the latest company news and updates from Asset Management, Private Banking, Commercial Banking, and the Corporate and Investment Bank.
Guntram Wolff
Europe, climate, defence eco, eco security, macro; Fellow @Bruegel_org @kielinstitute; Prof @BrandtSchool; Frmr Director @dgapev & @Bruegel_org RT ≠ endorsement
Adam Posen
President, @PIIE. Globalist. Former central banker. Political economy with a policy purpose. Advises governments, investors, and anyone nice. Personal opinions.
Isabel Schnabel 🇪🇺🇺🇦
Executive Board of the European Central Bank, University of Bonn (on leave), #NieWiederIstJetzt
Gabriel Felbermayr
Trade expert & director at @WIFOat and economics professor at @wu_vienna
Olli Rehn
Suomen Pankin pääjohtaja. Filosofian tohtori, pienyrittäjän poika. Jalkapalloilija.
ifo Institut
ifo Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München e.V. - Shaping the Economic Debate - Impressum ifo.de/impressum
ECB Forum
The ECB Forum on Central Banking is an annual event where central bankers, academics, government officials discuss current issues.
Markus Brunnermeier
Professor @PrincetonEcon, Director of @PrincetonBCF, Research on Macro, Money, and Finance, Author "The Resilient Society" and "A Crash Course on Crises"
Centre for Economic Policy Research, founded 1983. Network of over 1700 economists. See @voxeu facebook.com/cepr.org linkedin.com/company/centre…
Peter Kažimír
Slovakia's central bank governor
Benoît Cœuré
Président de l’Autorité de la concurrence. Tweets personnels.
Single Resolution Board
SRB is the 🇪🇺EU resolution authority within the #BankingUnion & an EU agency. #SRM #BankResolution #endingTBTF - RT ≠ endorsement
Benjamin Weigert
Roadbike enthusiast and economist. This is my personal account. Views are my own. Retweets are not endorsement.
Andreas Peichl
Professor of Economics @LMU_Muenchen, Director @ifo_Institut's Center for Macroeconomics & Surveys; #Taxation, #Inequality, #Data, #SGE, #Blackhawks, #firstgen
Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος
Η Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος είναι η κεντρική τράπεζα της χώρας & αποτελεί αναπόσπαστο μέλος του Ευρωσυστήματος.bankofgreece.gr/xristika/polit…
Ursula von der Leyen
President of the @EU_Commission. Mother of seven. Brussels-born. European by heart. 🇪🇺
Stefan Kooths
Research Director, Business Cycles and Growth @kielinstitute Professor of Economics @BSPBusinessLaw Chairman @HayekSociety, Academic Advisory Council @Lib_Inst
Research School of International Taxation
Interdisciplinary research team working on policy-relevant topics in international taxation, Host of Research Unit #FOR2738 funded by German Research Foundation
INSPIRE - Greening the financial system
INSPIRE - International Network for Sustainable Financial Policy Insights, Research, and Exchange - the designated global research stakeholder of the @NGFS_
European Systemic Risk Board
The European Systemic Risk Board is responsible for macroprudential oversight in the EU financial system and contributes to prevent and mitigate systemic risk.
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Hier twittert die BaFin über aktuelle Themen von Finanzen bis Verbraucherschutz. Datenschutz & Netiquette: bafin.de/netiquette
Ingrid Herden
Zentralbereichsleiterin Kommunikation @bundesbank /Director General Communications
European Central Bank Research
Insights, analysis and other news from @ecb researchers. Authors' views are their own, and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank.
Clemens Fuest
Präsident @ifo_Institut
C. Herodotou
Former Governor of Central Bank of Cyprus & European Central Bank Governing Council member
Emanuel Moench
Professor of Financial and Monetary Economics @FrankfurtSchool, views are my own
Volker Wieland
Money & macro, models & policy, formerly German Council of Economic Experts
Peter Bofinger

Thierry Bedoin
Je suis le CIO et le CDO de la Banque de France, en charge du SI, de la gestion de la Donnée, et de la transformation digitale de la Banque de France.
Le Lab - Banque de France
Retrouvez l'actualité du Lab de la Banque de France dont la mission est de rapprocher les métiers de la Banque centrale des nouvelles pratiques et technologies.
Mário Centeno
🇵🇹 Governador do Banco de Portugal
Jens Ulbrich
@bundesbank; here my own views
Madis Müller
Seisukohad ainult isiklikud, isegi kui mõni innustatud tööst.
Lars P Feld
University of Freiburg, Walter Eucken Institute, Former Chairman of the German Council of Economic Experts
Jörg Kukies
State Secretary, German Chancellery
Monika Schnitzer🇺🇦🇪🇺
EconProf @LMU_Muenchen. Research: #competitionpolicy, #innovation & #multinationalfirms. Chair of the 🇩🇪 Council of Economic Experts @GCEE_en