Birmingham Loves Libraries (@brumlibraries) 's Twitter Profile
Birmingham Loves Libraries


Uniting campaigns across Birmingham for a publicly owned and professionally staffed community library service. Keep our libraries open!

ID: 1785664815052050432

link calendar_today01-05-2024 13:37:52

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MsZYounis (@mszyounis1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why even consider closing or partially closing our libraries? Why not protect these safe havens for vulnerable adults and children? Why widen the divides in our society when there is always another way? Always. SaveHallgreenLibrary Bridget Phillipson Tahir Ali MP BookTrust Damian Hinds

Why even consider closing or partially closing our libraries? Why not protect these safe havens for vulnerable adults and children? Why widen the divides in our society when there is always another way? Always. 

 <a href="/HallgreenSave/">SaveHallgreenLibrary</a> <a href="/bphillipsonMP/">Bridget Phillipson</a> <a href="/TahirAliMP/">Tahir Ali MP</a> <a href="/Booktrust/">BookTrust</a> <a href="/DamianHinds/">Damian Hinds</a>
Brum Library Zine (@brumlibraryzine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Calling all Birmingham library lovers! If you would like to email/write to your local councillor or MP to protest against devastating cuts to your local library then let us help. Email [email protected] & we'll send you an easy-to-use template. Please share ❤️

Alan Wylie (@wylie_alan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On #WorldLiteracyDay let’s not forget the crucial role that Public Libraries & paid/trained Library Workers play in promoting literacy and the joy of reading. #libraries #LiteracyMatters #readingforpleasure

Alan Wylie (@wylie_alan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On #WorldLiteracyDay let’s ditch the phrase “libraries are more than just about books” and replace it with “Libraries are all about books plus……” #libraries

Brum Library Zine (@brumlibraryzine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Library love! Here’s a new poem by Brum poet Bradley Taylor celebrating Stirchley Library and all the librarians and library assistants who are at the heart of our public libraries. Yes, heart is definitely the right word… ❤️ Birmingham Loves Libraries LibraryofBirmingham

Catherine O'Flynn (@catherineqanik) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It’s not too late. The in person consultation at Aston library is on 19/09 at 10.30am Online here…   Fight for Aston. Fight for libraries. Once they are gone, they are gone forever.  Shabana Mahmood MP Councillor Mumtaz Hussain Brum Library Zine Birmingham Loves Libraries

It’s not too late. The in person consultation at Aston library is on 19/09 at 10.30am  
Online here…
Fight for Aston. 
Fight for libraries. 
Once they are gone, they are gone forever.  <a href="/ShabanaMahmood/">Shabana Mahmood MP</a> <a href="/CllrMumtaz/">Councillor Mumtaz Hussain</a> <a href="/BrumLibraryZine/">Brum Library Zine</a> <a href="/BrumLibraries/">Birmingham Loves Libraries</a>
Birmingham Loves Libraries (@brumlibraries) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yes, and so much more! Check out the latest release from Brum Library Zine and.... ...with that library love power, please email your councillors to say: you must keep our libraries open! ❤️ (and by open we mean more than 2 days a week!)

Judith Cooke (@conistonjlc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Brum Library Zine Birmingham Loves Libraries LibraryofBirmingham I'm a retired librarian- this brought me to tears. Yes, I had the love and still do , along with all the librarians out Michael Rosen said, closing libraries is an act of cruelty. And closures are happening in places that need libraries most. Cruelty, and vandalism..

Dharmesh Rajput (@dharmesh_rajput) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Aston Library was the first library I was taken to from primary school - an amazing building with wonderful staff - it was magical - I then went on to join Birmingham Central Library where I spent many Saturday mornings in the basement Children's section. Brum Library Zine

Birmingham Loves Libraries (@brumlibraries) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's time for a public inquiry and a scrapping of the cuts budget. Continuing full steam ahead with reckless cuts to services and asset sales will mean the most vulnerable bear the costs of these mistakes.

Rhys Morgan (@rhysbmorgan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢Birmingham is bankrupt! ✂️Councils are in Crisis 💷Govt needs to increase funding to plug the 40% cuts Sign the petition to Angela Rayner to fully fund our city!… #BailOutBrum Strike Map Birmingham People's Assembly

Cllr Martin Brooks OBE 🇺🇦 (@martinibrooks) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our youngsters know how precious our library service is. Let’s not let them down. Attend the public consultations - Harborne library’s is on 24 September, (10.30 - 12.00) snd reject Bham City Council proposals which will close Harborne and other libraries.

Our youngsters know how precious our library service is. Let’s not let them down. Attend the public consultations - Harborne library’s is on 24 September, (10.30 - 12.00) snd reject <a href="/BhamCityCouncil/">Bham City Council</a> proposals which will close Harborne and other libraries.
Birmingham Loves Libraries (@brumlibraries) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Celebrating our shared need for words, words that teach us, words that transport us...❤️ Speak up for our libraries now, before it's too late. More details on how to do that here:…

Birmingham Loves Libraries (@brumlibraries) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Any book, from any library across the city, can be brought to your neighbourhood library. Magic! Thanks to our library staff who make this all happen.

Brum Library Zine (@brumlibraryzine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Libraries give us power! ✊💘 Our Brum Library Zine team. Birmingham writers championing Birmingham’s 35 beautiful, vital community libraries. Coming 21st September. Join the fight at Birmingham Loves Libraries

Libraries give us power! ✊💘 Our Brum Library Zine team. Birmingham writers championing Birmingham’s 35 beautiful, vital community libraries. Coming 21st September. Join the fight at <a href="/BrumLibraries/">Birmingham Loves Libraries</a>
Birmingham Loves Libraries (@brumlibraries) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The quick guide to the final phase of Birmingham City Council's libraries consultation. Speak up for your libraries! More info and full guide available for download here:…

The quick guide to the final phase of Birmingham City Council's libraries consultation.   

Speak up for your libraries!  

More info and full guide available for download here:…