We study craniofacial development and disease. Specifically, we study diseases rooted in aberrant Hh signaling and functional defects in primary cilia.
ID: 1502377195913809931
https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/research/divisions/p/plastic/labs/brugmann 11-03-2022 20:14:43
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Calling all trainees and early career investigators! Submit abstract before the deadline tomorrow to be considered for a platform presentation! #craniofacial craniofacialgenetics American Association for Anatomy DevelopmentalDynamic

Craniofacial folks, abstract deadline for SCGDB oral presentations is Wednesday Sept 6! Get your abstract in and visit us Cincinnati Children's. In addition to seeing great science, you’ll get to see great art!!

Evan Brooks Evan C. Brooks, Ph.D. closes out the signaling session talking about how primary cilia contribute to mandibular patterning #SCGDB2023

New preprint from my lab! Led by superstar PhD student Sam Barnada, PhD in collaboration with Lab E. Herrera and many others including BrugmannLab, Kevin Peterson, Steve McMahon. We investigated the role of ARID1A (BAF) in neural crest cell specification (1/n) biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

Our two-day 2024 Research Symposium just kicked off! Currently on stage is our 1st of 2 keynotes featuring our very own Dr. Jeff Molkentin, Executive Co-Director of Cincinnati Children's Heart Institute, one of the most highly cited researchers in the world. #CincyResearch2024

Congrats to the graduate student poster winners from the Craniofacial GRC Evan C. Brooks, Ph.D. , Maria Lydia Loannides and Aino Sasbuchi

In-press highlight! The ciliary protein C2cd3 is required for mandibular musculoskeletal tissue patterning, by Evan C. Brooks, Ph.D. from BrugmannLab sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Big Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Evan Brooks Evan C. Brooks, Ph.D.. Such a special day! Cincinnati Children’s Research Molecular & Developmental Biology PhD Program

One of many rewards of working at Cincinnati Children's is being able to participate in patient advocacy meetings. Today clinicians, surgeons, and researchers come together with families to share information on MFDM. Thanks to UC CCTST Cincinnati Children's for supporting this meeting.

Understanding the cellular and molecular factors at play in the formation of craniofacial structures drives BrugmannLab Cincinnati Children's. In our latest Q&A, she talked about her research and motivations to study craniofacial development. bit.ly/3WLmkRv