Brittany Alkonis
🇺🇸Navy Wife, Mother, full time @BringRidgeHome advocate.
ID: 1528550694961446912
23-05-2022 01:38:01
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In 2022, Brittany Alkonis sent the attached letter to prominent members of the House Armed Services Committee. The letter outlined the Navy’s misconduct and Japan’s violations of the Status of Forces Agreement in the Ridge Alkonis case.

It’s time for Armed Services GOP House Armed Services Democrats Senate Armed Services Committee SASC GOP to exercise their right of Congressional oversight and officially launch an investigation into the @usnavy, @cnfj, and @secdef’s handling of the Alkonis case. We can’t let something like this happen again.

Very happy for you Daniel Woodruff! We’ll support you wherever your talent takes you. Wishing you all the best!

Today, seven of our families whose repeated requests to meet with President Biden have been ignored wrote to him yet again. They are sick of being ignored and treated as second-class hostages. President Biden can rectify by meeting with all before US Hostage and Wrongful Detainee Day, 3/9.

An emotional day today watching the first US Hostage & Wrongful Detainee flag rise up with the 🇺🇸 above the Department of State. This is only the 2nd flag in US history to be codified into law. A symbolic moment for those with loved ones still detained, those with loved ones who finally

Thank you Congressman Nick LaLota for your continued dedication to not only Ridge, but to all of our service members stationed overseas! SOFA reform is coming and we’re grateful to be working alongside you and your colleagues to make it happen.

He gave my voice a platform & without it I don’t believe Ridge would be home. Thank you Jake Tapper! It was surreal and wonderful to have you both in the same room. To wrongfully detained families, find your platform, find your champion. To President Biden finish the job #BringThemHome